@ahpuck: Those optional features are in no way an annoyance. And yes Skyrim pratically is that bad to the TES series in the same way as Fallout 4 is to its own series.
Considering how this is most dumbed down game of the series with the least amount of RPG features I really wouldn't say it was worth rebuying, an earlier RPG feature packed game like Morrowind on the other hand could really use a a remaster.
Zenimax and Bethesda have just become greedy moneygrabbers who are able to get away with this bullshit since they have developed an unbreakable fanbase.
I wish it would be for PC, there hasn't been one open world Western game since Gun which came out in 2005 which is almost 12 years ago and it looks more like a game from 2001-2, since then we have only really been getting the regular FPS style Western games such as Call of Jaurez which only included minor open-world maps in the second game of the series.
@repulsive44552: "being locked in arena, fight wave of enemies, repeat." but the thing is even the first two Doom's didn't exactly do that, it is more like the Painkiller style of gameplay which can be very bland and straight forward.
@007nikster5: Well to be fair the new maps were more maze-like than the original maps were ever like. The original maps were fine however and hardly maze-like, just non-linear.
@eridian00: I have done enough research and know that the majority but not the minority of this information is all bullshit conspiracy theories and lies which are exaggerated to make a company seem even worse than they actually are so people will avoid said company.
A lot of other companies including well known ones also get away with bullshit that it's not even funny, Bethesda for one examble has continually dumbed down their games and stripping them of features aiming for the lowest common denominator and only their longtime fans even start to notice this.
J_P-'s comments