J_Phett / Member

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Nerd and a Jock

Well i got to try and keep a foot in each camp. I love watching and playing cricket. It's probably the slowest game in the world (open to other suggestions) but i love it none the less. I am a big fan of Australia Rules Football, A medium fan of motersport, a small fan of Nascar, and no fan of watching golf. Yeah go on yell at me! Anyways i like pretty much every sport one could name, even golf, just not watching it that's all. Did i mention that i don't like watching golf? That pretty much covers it, execpt that i don't like watching.............


Well my top 500 hundred movies goes like this : no.500 I am Legend, 499: Superman, and no i'm not going to do a top 500 hundred (if enough ppl ask me i might). Anyways my top movies are: The Pianst, Million Dollar Baby, Cinderella Man, Gladiator, Master and Commander, Transformers, Shooter, Band of Brothers, Saving Private Ryan, Around the World in 80 Days, All the LOTR movies, National Treasure 1 and 2, Enemy of the State, The Matrix, All the Indiana Jones', No Country For Old Men and many others. Movies I want to See: There Will Be Blood tops the list

Games and my poor knowledge of

Well cause this is a game site i have to at least put my views forward. lol. I play an Xbox and PC. On the Xbox i mainly play Halo 2 which i find an amazing game in all areas, i'm now making my way through Halo 1. Finding the campain better on 1 than 2 but multiplayer better on 2. And 3 is even better in both areas. In my collection is Medal of Honour (yes Amercians honour not honor), splinter cell, fifa football, and others i need to get rid of.

I like Counter-Strike, love CoD4, am into RTS. Also like the Warcrafts, TF2 i have just discovered, brilliant. Battlefield 2 is probably what i want to get the most.

I think Halo is the best Xbox game, both of them. For pc, well Runescape is the best online game that i've played, before you lot smash me for saying that listen up. My computer has got stuff all graphics and so Runescape is the best game i can play. If i could i would play games like Guild Wars and WoW, so don't mock me for bad taste. Acutally Runescape is pretty good anyway. I reckon CoD4 takes it for me on the PC though. Actually TF2 ties it. Man i need to get a 360, last time i went to a lan party i wiped the floor playing halo 3. Isn't that right JCooler? lol. I'm not really into playstations, I'm more a computer/xbox gamer.

Currently I'm looking for a good RPG, there's heaps i know but I can't run most of'em. So any suggestions welcome. Actually can anybody tell me about Last Chaos? is it any good? ect. thanks.

The game i'm best at would be any Halo and CoD4. I actually don't even own CoD4, but everytime there's a LAN party and a spare computer I do really well , top the scores ect. Halo, I just play it, and play it, and play it. I actually leaned towards PC nowadays but I still play a lot of Halo. :)

Cars (or the lack thereof)

Not been old enough to drive i've always had to settle my need for speed by fantasies born unencumbered upon the winds of a youthful mind (hmm...poetry?) Anyway i've have always fancied the Lambo. Diablo, but apart from a supercar a Mazda RX8 has caught my fancy. Also the Mini Cooper has always been a favourite.