@Camlo1 To be fair, that changed when GAMES started applying moral themes. When people discuss MGS for example, it usually isn't just about the gameplay and technical response. Story and character discussion are important, too. When games become popular due to their moral and political themes, those themes deserve talking about in the review. Still, don't get me wrong. I'm just pointing out a generalization. This is the same woman who thinks Persona 4 is homophobic and also sexist. I don't think the misogyny is anywhere NEAR what she says it is. Would have preferred another reviewer for this, honestly; I'm torn on whether to buy it.
@Sora278 Thanks for saving me the time looking for other reviews. I paid full price for No More Heroes, and I did it again to buy the PS3 version, and that was absolutely a 7 on a "pro critic's" review. Seems like the depressing score shouldn't have had me worried.
@GenDNA I agree wholeheartedly. There's an easy way to turn this seemingly "money-grab" by Sony into an advantage that makes everyone - Sony included - happy.
I really, really can't believe that one of the complaints in this review is basically "there's no permanent checkpointing". If you're going to admit that a game is a retro remake, than you shouldn't be surprised that the game adapts to the style of play common for the original game's time. You go back to the beginning if you die? It's a retro throwback made by CAPCOM. What do you expect? If there was perma-checkpointing in this game, you could be done the game in one day, easily; in mere hours, even. Of course, the score probably wouldn't have changed, 'cause then it would've been "too short". I agree a game shouldn't be rewarded for BEING a remake, it should be rewarded for being fun. But do the mere facts that the game is a remake and platforming is too easy make for a "poor" game? Even though you said that being punished for your mistakes (because, God forbid) was frustrating, so obviously it wasn't THAT easy, was it? So, the game is super-easy, except when you die, at which point it's way too frustrating? I'm not trying to be biased, so far this game feels like a "7/7.5"" to me, which as someone pointed out, is likely what the score is after applying the "McShea adjustment". But when I see a game get below a 5 (which to me means "not meeting even rentable standards"), I expect the reasons to be more than "the game's both easy AND it punishes your mistakes too harshly, in a classically retro punishment system which I should have expected, given that it is a retro throwback. Also, points deducted for completely subjective statement about cutscenes."
Ja-nem-ba's comments