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#1 Ja-nem-ba
Member since 2005 • 45 Posts

So... this seems pretty obvious to me. A quick search revealed that Blacklist is, in fact a sequel to Conviction. So, yeah, it sucks that Ironside ain't doing the voice, but it was his decision. Ironside WANTED to pass the torch to another actor. This isn't like MGS5, where it was entirely the production team's decision, Ironside made his choice.
So, everyone is acting like idiots. Gameexpert's overreacting, and ironically didn't do HIS research before spouting off, while all you others don't even seem to know the basics of the game you're talking about.

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#2 Ja-nem-ba
Member since 2005 • 45 Posts
Definately Snake, Raiden and Naked Snake. I don't know why but everyone seems to be too damn lazy too try and play anything other than MGS3 or MGS2. There are a few people who have played it though, but for the most part, from what I've seen... People just play these and claim they are MGS fans. No. You're not. You haven't played number 1. I'm not going to tell you that its the best one, because some people even like MGS2 the best, can't imagine WHY. All I'll say is that it is just as good. Anyway, Snake is the stealthiest because he has to deal with changing environments, at least in 3 and probably 4. If there's light out, then he has to deal with the fact that he'll be spotted easier. If its dark, great, thats much better for him. Sam Fisher just gets dropped off always in the night time, sneaking around in the shadows. I think he should be the main character in Sly, damn sissy. By the way stevediep, I love your picture, Halo blows.
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#3 Ja-nem-ba
Member since 2005 • 45 Posts
Dude, the first time you play through is like a gimme. It doesn't matter if you get seen not once or 200 times. Its the next few play throughs that really show how good you are, as long as you play at a harder difficulty each time, because it shows that you're getting better. Don't worry man, just go through the game shooting EVERYONE if you have too, trust me, and everyone else on this, IT WILL BE WORTH IT.

P.S.: Right is wrong. People who have beaten the game might know what I'm talking about.
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#4 Ja-nem-ba
Member since 2005 • 45 Posts
I'm with Carl, I think San Andreas has had its spot in the light, we know its good, now shut the hell up about it. I realize it appears #1 because of page views, but still, that means that people still play it like it isn't old (in time, not gameplay). Dj pulserfan, thats a pretty bold statement to say that the only reason Carl didn't like it was because CJ was black. How do you know? Plus,he's saying that people need to get over the initial shock of the game, not that he thinks its a bad game. In fact he says in his post that he realizes that its an amazing game. Next time, check these things beforehand before you accuse someone. I think you were just looking for any reason to accuse someone of racism. Is that what you say whenever anyway says they don't like SA, or any other game with a black protagnist, for that matter? If I said I didn't like, say, 50 Cent: The Game (which I don't) would you start yelling "racist!" before I even gave you a reason? Anyway, there are also other games that will probably be up on the top ten for a ridiculously long time, like: God of War I and II, Final Fantasy XII, and probably Manhunt 2.
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