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JacobsChair Blog

Some User Plagiarized My LOST Review, Word for Word;continue;2

How much lower can you get? Those of you who have read my past posts will notice that this is a word for word plagiarization of a LOST review I posted more than a month ago!

What should I do about it?

Also, The Economist was great... nay, amazing. it just gets better and better, doesn't it?

1. The Economist

2. Confirmed Dead

3. The Beginning of the End

815 "Cover Up" Theory

I posted this in the LOST forums, but I fiured not everyone who would find it interesting would notice it in that thread.

I've found it. Complete and utter proof that the plane is a carbon copy of the one on the island. PROOF that the electromagnetism not only crashed the plane, but sent it through a time warp or wormhole and landed it off the coast of Bali. The magnets didn't rip the plane, the force of the wormhole or the force of it going through another dimension did.

Are you ready for this people?

Even in the water, the plane is split into threes. Split into fuselage, tail section and cockpit. Sound familiar?

Now, I'm totally fine with it cracking when it hits the bottom of the ocean, but it cracking and splitting in EXACTLY the same spots it did when it was over the island is too much of a coincidence, even for LOST. Even more, the velocity of the plane would have been dampened so much as it sunk to the bottom of the ocean that I highly doubt it would be in one piece.

So what happened? Well, as the plane flew over the island, an electromagnetic burst shot out from the core of the hatch and created a sort of wormhole or portal or teleportation chasm or something. Anyway, the force of this "portal" ripped the plane into threes and carbon copied these parts at that exact instant to a few miles off the coast of Bali.

Season Four.... Wow

Well, only two episodes in, season four is looking to be one of the best LOST seasons yet. The pacing is perfect and the writing, story and mystery/answer ratio is as good as it's always been, if not better.

The flashforwards of the premiere were amazing and the on-island was a great, character-focused story, but even that was NOTHING compared to the sheer perfection of Confirmed Dead--not a minute was wasted. The blindlingly fast-pace was a great turn for the show and I hope they keep up the intensity and feeling of impending doom as the season progresses.

More soon.

The Great LOST Endeavor

I've been finding myself with a lack of things to do lately, and I feel it's time I start writing reviews for LOST episodes to keep myself busy. So, I'm proposing a sort of "challenge" for myself--review every single LOST episode before the season starts. I know, it'll be tough, especially since I like to put a lot of thought into things I write, but I think I can do it. Bear in mind, if you read these, you shouldn't view them as models for my review/recaps that I'll be doing during the season, these past episodes are long gone now and I won't include much, if any, speculation or easter eggs. I'm expecting them to each be a 500-1000 word review while my blog posts for season 4 episodes will be upwards of 1500 words and include a lot more than just a "review." I think you'll enjoy them. Anyway, it's how I feel, so don't rag on me for giving every episode a 10/10 once you see my reviews. Here's a little thing I wrote the other day:


While it may not be everyone's cup of tea, LOST is, without a doubt, the most consistently engaging, most entertaining, and most important television show, nay, piece of art to ever grace the small screen. Forget what the show's about for a second, forget the mysteries, forget the characters, and look at what this show has done for you. Think of the people you've met and the knowledge and ideas you've gained and encountered because of the show. Some of you may not feel this way, but I'm sure a decent percentage of you can list at least five ways LOST has changed you, made you a better, more interesting, more diverse person. For me, I've learned and experienced more through and because of this show than anything else in my life, more than school, more than you know. That is no exaggeration and I stand firm in my statement. It is this show that sparked my interest in everything that defines me and not a day goes by that I'm not thankful for these things.

Thinking back to my life before LOST, I seem, to me at least, like a completely different person. All the things I've been through, all the people I've met and the things I've learned because of this show are more important to me than anything else in my life and my interests are completely different than they were when I first started watching. I'm more mature, more self aware and more worldly now than I was three years ago all thanks to LOST, and the best it brings out in me when I discuss it. The literary references and influences in the show are the sole reason I have such a voracious appetite for reading and in the three years since I first watched LOST's magnificent pilot, I've read more and initiated more extra-curricular learning than in fifteen years before. And every single book, article, and editorial I've read, every wonderful word, is because of LOST. The knowledge I posses about philosophy, physics, literature, history, religious studies, medicine, psychology, leadership, and social awareness, things I held very little interest in before the show, are all because of the way the brilliant writers implement and make you interested in their vast and endless influences. Without them, LOST would be nothing, and they, the writers, are respectful of the importance they hold.

On a more personal level, the shared love of the show has brought me closer to my parents and has been the common ground for countless new friendships I have made with people from all walks of life. And even after all that, after three wonderful seasons, the show continues to amaze and entertain me. While I'm not here to negate various complaints with the show, I strongly believe they are unfounded in the bigger picture. I've seen a lot of television shows on both network and cable and while other shows have executed specific aspects and motifs excellently, there isn't a doubt in my mind that LOST is the only show out there to successfully encompass all the elements of great drama and mystery without being brain-numbingly irrelevant. LOST makes you think, makes you analyze the show and its meaning in various ways before you can fully understand the concepts trying to be delivered and it is this that makes the show so great, so fresh and exciting. Even more, the dialogue and story writing is on par, if not better, with the established "greats" and the acting, cinematography, score, directing, and depth of the show come together brilliantly each and every week. You may have your trivial nitpicks, we all do, and I'm all for logical and reasonable debate over good and bad, but when judging television, think not of the story alone, think of what the show has done for you.

No Country for Bad Movies

Well, as you probably figured out, I chose "No Country for Old Men" as my "Get back into movies movie." And I can't lie, the movie succeeded with flying colors and met, if not surpassed, all my expectations. The description of passing with flying colors, I know, is clichéd beyond belief, but there is really no other way to describe it. The movie was all that I hoped it would be, and, although I'm not sure as of yet, it is possibly one of my favorite movies of all time. The intensity of the story was top notch and, like all Coen Bros. films, the dialogue was well written, endlessly quotable, and made even the toughest cat out there cringe in fear. The acting, oh the acting was amazing. I say Oscar nominations for both leads, one being Tommy Lee.

I'm not going to get too specific about the plot of the movie, but I'd recommend it to almost anyone and hope you all get to see it one day.

Anyway, for all you Radiohead fans, I have something to say:

In Rainbows = underrated

OK Computer = overrated

In Rainbows > OK Computer

Move Over, TV, It's Movie-Time

Don't take the title of the blog too seriously now, I in no way consider movies better than TV, in fact, I think they're nothing short of inferior, but it's high time I see a movie in the theaters again because, to tell you the truth, it's been way too long. Honestly, I think the last movie I saw in theaters was Casablanca. Not really, but you get my drift. Anyway, the reason I made this blog is because I was hoping some of you have some recommendations for any movies that are currently showing at a theater near me. It doesn't have to be too in depth, but a little justification wouldn't hurt. There are a few flicks out there that have caught my interest, and they seem to be getting high reviews, but I like to speak to the people, you know? Here are the ones that look the best:

No Country For Old Men
American Gangster
Dan in Real Life

I loved Fargo and hated The Big Lebowski, but the Coen brothers do know how to put on a good show, so I'm currently leaning towards NCfOM as my movie of choice, if you disagree, or just think another movie is better, please, voice your opinion.

The Proverbial First Entry

Hi, everyone, or no one. I'm not sure if all be posting in this blog all that often, but I imagine I should do an introduction.

My name is Jacob Husserl and I'm currently located in San Diego, CA. My hometown is Darien, Connecticut, which I doubt any of you, all one of you, have ever heard of. I'm eighteen and currently enrolled in UCSD's pre-med prorgram. Quite obviously, this city, San Diego, is to die for and I'm enjoying every minute of it so far.

I've always been a TV addict, and I'm glad I finally found a commity of people who feel the same way. As you may have seen in my "Favorites" section, the TV shows I'm currently "obsessed" with are, first and foremost, LOST, Battlestar Galactic, Dexter, and The Colbert Report. They aren't the only shows I watch, but they're the only ones I find worthy of mention. And because LOST is the one I feel the most strongly about, I'll give you a little bit of information on my favorite characters, episodes, and seasons. Enjoy.

Top 25 Favorite Episodes

1. Through the Looking Glass - (3)
2. The Man Behind the Curtain - (3)
3. Live Together, Die Alone - (2)
4. The Man From Tallahassee - (3)
5. The Brig - (3)
6. Deus ex Machina - (1)
7. One of Us - (3)
8. Exodus, pt. 2 - (1)
9. Enter 77 - (3)
10. Lockdown - (2)
11. The 23rd Psalm - (2)
12. Man of Science, Man of Faith - (2)
13. Greatest Hits - (3)
14. Flashes Before Your Eyes - (3)
15. One of Them - (2)
16. Solitary - (1)
17. Two for the Road - (2)
18. Par Avion - (3)
19. All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues - (1)
20. Numbers - (1)
21. Three Minutes - (2)
22. Orientation - (2)
23. ...In Translation - (1)
24. Not In Portland - (3)
25. Walkabout- (1)

Top 5 Favorite Main Characters

1. Desmond David Hume
2. Benjamin Linus
3. John Locke
4. Juliet Burke
5. Jack Shephard