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2 Very Good Articles

Recently I had a lot of time to browse forums and websites that are gaming related, being that I was on a seven day suspension on this site, and I found two really good articles. I would like to share them with whoever may find them as interesting a read as I did.

The first article is titled PC Gaming: Why I'll Never Console Myself with Second Best and the author basically states in depth why they believe PC gaming to be the better of the platforms. It doesn't outright bash consoles but does shine a light on PC's many strengths over consoles (no it doensn't just talk about graphics).

The second article is titled Birdmen and the Casual Fallacy and the author talks about why third party developers and publishers are having a hard time having the same success as Nintendo on the Wii. The author also goes into detail on how he thinks Nintendo's current gaming strategy does not push aside it's "hardcore" following and how Nintendo may just be one smart company. This article is a long read (took me 26 minutes)but is well worth it if you have the time.