Hello my name is Nick, and I'm an Oblivion addict. Any sane person has spent time and gotten to know The Elder Scrolls IV. I was excited to hear yesterday that the first of the downloadable content was available. I immediately proceeded to load up my version of the game (on my X360) and download the new horse armor. I purchased the game for 200 Microsoft Points (equal to $2.50). I was shocked, two pieces of armor for $2.50, this is highway robbery! I am willing to pay money for whatever quests, items, and new areas you want to through at me, but I now fear the price. If two pieces of crappy armor cost $2.50, what is a new quest, or area going to cost. The answer, to dam much, Microsoft we all don't have pocketbooks the size of Bill Gates, please don't bleed your fanbase dry!
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