Treasurecraft JOIN US NOW: ABOUT US Treasurecraft is a dedicated, friendly Minecraft server. We have been running for over a year now and through experience we have altered our server to your liking. There is something for everyone and we make sure your gaming experience with us is a happy and remember-able one. We have many regular players and a whole community of staff trained and ready to help you. We make sure griefers and hackers will NOT succeed, due to our many protection and security plugins. Lag is very small and if you ever get large amounts of it while playing with us, it should be client based and not from our server. We are always trying our hardest to add more and more fun things to do and try to add many of the things your largest and favourite servers have and we hope after playing with us, Treasurecraft will fall into your 'favourite' category. WORLD PORTAL The World Portals is the place within the server you go to transfer from world to world. In The World Portals, there are many portals that you can teleport through to different worlds... such as: CREATIVE WORLD Creative World is a world for the building lovers. It's for the players who LOVE to build, but don't like the material collecting part or the survival aspect. In this world, you are handed Creative Gamemode and then can buy a 60x60 plot to build and who of your creative talent in! PVP WORLD PvP World is a world dedicated to the warriors of the server. The players who like power! The place where faction empires are created and built up to the master-pieces they are today. One thing matters in this world.... Survival. THE NETHER You are probably familiar with the horrific mysterious of Minecraft's very own HELL. And... if you not... This place doesn't treat new-comers kindly! Explore into the very depths of the bedrock surrounded world, but never FIND a way out (Except travelling through the portal again... :P). This place is deadly and doesn't take prisoners. THE END The place home to our worst nightmare... The Endermen! And to make it worse, the prying eyes of the Ender Dragon will be following you and trapping you into the Ender's darkness.... Defeat the dragon.... And escape! Hope to see you soon!
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