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late night

Whoa, what a crazy day. I’ve been dealing with “if then” statements like it’s going out of style.  We had a programming meeting earlier, I was going to take some photos, but the mob looked restless. I figured I’d wait till they were fed, and deep into world of bug fixin’.

Exchange of the day,

 “Well you know , our lead designer used to compete in the Tetris World Tour”

He responds in a matter of fact tone of voice, “ Actually, it was the National tour.”


Moving right along….

 So I received tons of email asking for lurid details about what it’s like to develop Saints Row, latest screen screenshots, and of course, “when is the freakin demo gonna come out?” 

I’ll do a short interview with the Producer tomorrow. Perhaps he’ll have something to say to me about demo dates. 

As far as screenshots go. I’ve been attempting to post images on this blog for a while now, and I’m getting no love what so ever.  So I think I’ll create a Flickr site,  just to give you some images to hang up in your office.  Word on the street is that another batch of shots will be out soon.  Has anyone seen the new 3d shots yet? Lemme know.  I know one of the guys on the dev team has been workin’ away at em’, so they are bound to be out and about.


What else? Oh, lurid details? Ugh, well, it’s 12:26 am, and I’m starting to see shadows crawling on the wall.  Perhaps it wouldn’t be a good time to go into that.  Tell ya what, I’ll go around and ask some questions later on tomorrow.