Hello I'm Jaguar, and this is my journal. To download my personal hello visit... http://www.easy-share.com/c/1903650151 (Download might be slow or require a small wait time)
I have decided to create a more organised blog whereby I will post and update small journal entries -I have called this "The Jaguar Journal" because it sounds catchy. In the Jaguar Journal I may cover personal events, forum events, world events, basic rant or just random information -I haven't decided or limited myself to a set formula yet.
I am open to critisism (I spelt that wrong so critiscise me for it) and suggestions. I intend to update my journal art and probably find a better uploading stie to store my quick hello. As I am only on 128kbps (I D/L at 12kbps) I'm limited in doing a full journal and uploading it. We have bad internet here, but hey, my parents pay for it so I really can't complain.
The Jaguar Journal #1 is more an introduction and a planning stage -actual content will follow in subsequent Journal entries, each labelled #2, #3, etc.
The Jaguar Journal Edition #1
I was alone for Valentines Day but my parents bought me a box of roses chocolates (cadbury I believe) and that was cool. I'm not the kind of girl who needs a boyfriend all the time. Many of my friends are never single, also I notice if the aren't with their boyfriend they are with another friend or a group of friends -they appear unable to be by themselves for any length of time.
This is in great contrast to myself, where I am rarely partnered and after a break up will remain single until I feel the desire for a relationship again. I enjoy being social and doing things with my friends but I do not get uncomfortable being alone or doing hobbies solitary -I am very much so like a Jaguar and quite solitary. I actually enjoy my alone time and couldn't imagine or fathom always being surrounded by other people.
We have new neighbors who have moved in next door (as referred to in a previous blog). They seem ok, not that I can comment after only 24-48 hours, but they weren't loud today and I cannot yet find a fault. I assume/guess they are American -not to sound odd but there is a visual difference between Australian Aboriginals and African/Americans and my new neighbors appear to be African American. I further substantiate this assumption as I saw a pillow that resembled the American Flag being taken into their house. Perhaps the most important news is (who I assume is their son) is HOT HOT HOT!!! And later this week after they have settled in the family and I will go over and say hello and I can investigate my feelings.
Thank you for reading, commenting and adding to my journal.