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The Jaguar Journal 2

Hello I'm Jaguar, and this is my journal. To download my personal, audio introducton visit.

The Jaguar Journal 2

Firstly on this journal some personal info, updates.

-It's STILL raining

-It's STILL hot

-I still have the hots for the newguy next door

-I'm going a little crazy as I can't really go outside due to rain, or all the mud that's been created from this weather.

-I'll go see the new neighbors soon.

Moving onto something with more substance now. The Zulu War.

Zulu One

I saw a really interesting documentary today about the Zulu war, it focussed exclusively on the massive defeat the British suffered not the celebrated battle from the film with Michael Cane And alot of new information presented itself -as a history student I found alot of this new information amazing.

Ok, so the British lines being thin and over-extended, no interest really. The British firearms jamming and making a puff of smoke, no interest really. A solar eclipse during the battle? ooh neat. And here is the part I found fascinating! The Zulu warriors were issued with drugs by their witchdoctors.

Zulu Two

We see now that the Zulu army is perhaps the first military to issue it's fighters stimulants. It turns out some of the Zulu warriors were given some snuff which was cannabis, but this cannabis was High in TBC or TBD? stimulant but had virtually no CHC/CHD? what relaxes you and slows you down As a result Zulu soldiers who took this were incredibly focussed and boosted with an adrenaline rush.

Zulu Three

Select soldiers also used a red mushroom drug which the program did not tell you exactly anyways this red mushroom drug causes the user to see red and makes them extremely aggressive -although lowering response time. And it was given to warriors who intended to get into the melee and essentially go berserk and take 5 British soldiers before they themselves were killed.

Zulu Four

The program conducted an experiment with 2 Judo combatants who were of equal skill. They had a quick match without stimulants and they were both very similar in their approach.

They then gave one man a placebo and the other man the red mushroom drug and asked they fight again. The man who took the red mushroom stimulant was CRAZY! His eyes were glazed over and he had this intent stare in his face and he just threw himself at the other guy and didn't hold anything back.

I personally found it amazing to discover the Zulu's used such remedies for their warriors. I thought the earliest cases of drug trials were pilots with speed, or soldiers and a bit of scotch, whiskey.

Anywho I want to visit Africa this was brought on by recently playing Far Cry 2 as it looks to be a beautiful continent, although the internal problems put me off a little bit