Hello I'm Jaguar, and this is my journal.
To download my personal, audio introducton visit. (hear Jaggy! )
The Jaguar Journal Four
Personal Updates!
-It's Autumn now according to the calendar, but not the Earth's position -anyways during autumn I get the sneezles alot.
-I left my old job at the video store and now work at EB Games :D They're expensive and overpriced but hey the job is alot easier :D
-The neighbor (Michael) and I are now dating :P We've made out and cuddled a bit -spent some together at each others house for dinner, lunch and stuff.
- I'm looking forward this week to HAWX (saw Top Gun yesterday) and Empire Total War.
Now for some random thoughts I've had on varying topics.
Battlestar Galactica
I remember this was on television many years ago and I just couldn't get "into" it, alot of problems with the actors, script etc. But as I was bored recently I found it on DVD and gave it a go, I actually enjoyed First Season and went onto Second Season, which was good but got a little silly. I think "downloaded" is my most hated episode, I hate that character so much, everytime she has a scene or she's doing is acting like she's on the verge of orgasm while deliving her lines and manipulating Gaius Baltar. -.- She annoys me.
But Sharon Valeri is a really cool character and Lee Adama is fairly solid -although very stereotyped.
So I am enjoying this series, though I don't have anything beyond season two so I'll have to go buy or rent the rest.
AOL = Bebo
So AOL just dropped their profiles COMPLETELY, and ported them over to Bebo. I can't say I'm all that impressed, the support for code and html is minimal and the profiles didn't port very well. Also (and this is the thing) if I wanted a frakkin Bebo profile, I'd have made a frakkin Bebo profile.
Not alot to report on or rant about, I'm pretty sure the link on easy-share still works and has my recorded intro.