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A Psychological Itch to Scratch...

Sorry this will be such a short post, I cut-off half my finger in the editing room and have stitches. So, it's a little hard to type...

Isn't it strange how you can sometimes start to crave a videogame? I was reading DJ_LAE's post about how he sometimes got this huge craving for BGII, and I was commenting about how I've been hit by the same craving before.

But, that got me to wondering ... Where does that come from, like psychologically? How is it that our brain ends up so hard-wired to video games that we can actually crave it, like one would crave food?

I find that, even outside of specific videogames, I often times get an insatiable urge to play if I've been away from videogaming for a while. So, it's not even that I'm just waxing nostalgic for a game from my past, but that I'm missing a certain interaction with gaming, in a sense missing gaming itself.

Where does this come from? Like my passion for movies, have I had it since birth? Is it a switch, like a red, green, blue or yellow circle with an exclamation point (MARIO REFERENCE)? A chemical switch that's only triggered by pretty colors and synced-up sounds?

What if it IS something chemical in our bodies, some certain twist of DNA that has been around for ages. Can you imagine what would have happened if people like us didn't have games? What if we had this need, this hunger, this desire, but we lived in the 18th Century? It makes you wonder what could really be driving some people mad... Maybe they just need an outlet or interaction that we, as a species, have yet to create for them?

Okay, that's more than enough. My finger needs a new band-aid. Later.