Ok, there is this girl named Arial Petterson, and i hate her. i hate her soooo much well let me start at the begining....
ok when i was a wee lad (i was still playing the NES) i always went to church. well there was always this girl that i did not really care for named Arial. She was a stuck up prep whom could not seem to keep her big fat mouth shut. I used to think it was funny when she would say somthing that showed that she was stupid. And i will admit it, there was a time that i did go out with her (bad call talk about high mantinance). so anyway after a while she came to my school so that now i had to put up with her 6 days a week. So this is her first year at a public school and so i had to put up with her asking me the MOST RETARDED questions (the dumbest was "Why do we have to pay for lunch?" i know dumb) so after ayear we had grow such a hate between us that we would go out of our ways just to piss each other off, or get the other in trouble, which ever came first. so this year she was always trying to play inocent and mistreated in front of the teachers, which made me want to puke 'cause i am the only one that knows the real her. So several times this year she has killed her cat gave her mom cancer, and developed a tumor! The teacher beleve her! so i am stuck here the only one that knows the true side of this girl and it really pisses me off.
So last week she sayes she is moving to Utah U.S.A. FAR away from Texas so I have never been happier, i mean who sayes God don't answer prayers!!