Hello you sexy gamers! This time round, we have a few games that have already been Greenlit and Kickstarted, in no way does that mean you should miss out on these puppies. So first on the line we have a game called Full Bore http://www.wholehog-games.com/fullbore/ A pig that digs and is a digging pig, that digs. The has a heavy emphasis on exploration, meaning although there is a goal, you're not pushed in any way. Think open-world, only, it's underground. You play as a young boar pushing blocks, knocking blocks down, activating contraptions and navigating through caves. The game has an awesome soundtrack to boot, a truly funky and happy synthesized vibe to it. I mean that's far from the only charms of this game I mean just look at the screenshots, the pixelized art has a real sweetness to it, the game just looks as if a child could pick it up and enjoy it too. The story isn't too heavy either, it's about a young pig, digging it's way down to uncover the secret of pig-kind, a bit like Indiana Jones, kinda. When it comes to these kind of games, the real clincher is the controls and the playability of it, a simple fault from buggy controls or even a sloppy rendering engine can really make or break a game. Although I wish these guys all the luck in the world and hope this game gets on without any bumps along the way. On top of all of this, you can't say that it's been done before, a digging pig in its own right sounds like one hell of a game. Full Bore is currently on Steam Greenlight waiting for your upvote. [URL=http://www.wholehog-games.com/fullbore/img/fb-3.png]
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[/URL] Next up is a game i'm really looking forward too - Rogue Legacy http://www.cellardoorgames.com/roguelegacy.html From the surface this looks like a standard platformer, maybe it's got some RPG elements but nothing more. Now, while that is bang on the mark, it's got ways of breaking the mould. Straight up is the whole concept behind the game, you will die. The game needs you to die for the game to really bloom, you see as you die, your children come to avenge your death, but maybe they have a genetic deficiency that you didn't like, gigantism, dwarfism, colorblind, IBS, etc. and this literally affects your game. You will also get to develop your castle, your armor and even play different classes, the whole while handing down your deficient lineage to take up the game again to play. A constant, RPG like, development of gaining better loot and inscribing new runes and enchantments, just push the need to come back for more. The game already includes controller support and is ready for Steam's Big Picture, which means if they release a multiplayer mode, it would well be a very welcome addition to the couch co-op world. I really like the idea of this game, it looks like a load of fun to play with the game's lighthearted take on dungeon crawling really does bring a smile to my face. The game is currently on Steam Greenlight and looks to be released into a Humble Bundle very soon. [URL=http://www.debugdesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/rogue-legacy-castle1.jpg]
[/URL] And finally we have Stonehearth http://stonehearth.net/ Now Stonehearth is beautiful looking game and one that again, I'm really excited for (let's face it, I just love indie games) The game is a sandbox, RTS, RPG styled game. What this means is that, when you build a house for your villagers, you literally design that house, if you want a three story high house, that's fine or if you'd like it shorter but longer, that's fine too! The whole ideal behind Stonehearth is that it should be played however you want to play it. Whether you want to mess around with complex engineering systems, wage massive wars or just make a really nice looking city, it's all your choice. I will be honest, I haven't seen much of combat within the game but what I have seen looks pretty RTS basic 'hit them until they die', that's not to say that it will stay like that, on release there may be different styles of combat, etc. we'll just have to wait and find out! Now like I said the game is beautiful looking, it's voxel based but the bloom and depth of field really smooth it all out and the animations look fantastic. For people looking for more of a goal based game, this may not be your cup of tea, form the looks of it, it is immensely open-world. I can already see myself losing a lot of my night on this game and I don't think I would really care about losing it either. Anyway the game currently has 8 days left on Kickstarter, it's already $385,000 but that doesn't mean you should check it out or pre-order it. [URL=http://stonehearth.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/farm.jpg]
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[/URL] [URL=http://stonehearth.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/crafting.jpg]