Hello there, you beautiful mother lovers! In this episode we discover the fear of a cow in a slaughterhouse, the cutesy wutesy comic style of a hack-and-slash ARPG and a JRPG with a theme song that'll make you want to play it right now! As in RIGHT NOW! But first, I do believe I should apologize, I have been slacking. Well, less slacking, more partying for my birthday week. Anyway, on with the Round Up! So up first is a cute little game called LFG - The Fork of Truth http://www.lfgcomic.com/ and if you want to check out the actual comic, which I definitely would advise, it's right here: http://www.lfgcomic.com/archives/ LFG is a 4-player co-op ARPG in a hack-and-slash style. As you may have guessed by my repeated use of the word "Comic", the game is based on LFG's ongoing webcomic following the adventures of Cale'Anon a fearless, righteous, elven archer and Richard the not-so-nice, kinda evil, undead warlock and their companions. The game follows the same four fellows in a "mini-arc" set between the first and twelfth episode. From what it seems, each character has 4 different abilities. These 4 abilities range from Krunch's Ground Slam, Richard's Fireballs and Benny's Shield. The art style of the game coordinates well with the comic roots and the humour flows perfectly. Interestingly enough Paladin Studios had little to no interaction with Blind Ferret before sending over a little trial of the game and they nailed the humour perfectly. They've yet to show what kind of character progression they're including but as a ARPG, I hope they nail it. Nothing lets down a good ol' RPG like a lack of, well RP. To all those people sat on the fence as their reading this, my suggestion would be to go check out the comics and if you love them, like I do. You wont be able to wait for the game. Check this sexy mo'fo out on kickstarter right here! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1412277313/lfg-the-fork-of-truth [URL=http://www.gamershell.com/static/screenshots/51183/755497_full.jpg]
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[/URL] Onto the next one and say hello to BEEF. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fancydino/beef-not-all-cows-have-grassy-endings Yes BEEF as in the meat, out of cows. Incidentally, the the plot of the game is that you play as a cow. But this isnt just some secret cow level or a game where its all bunnies and rainbows, no, this game is a cow-survival-horror. Or as I like to call it, a COSUHO... wait- a COSHO... a COS- oh screw it. Basically the whole idea of the game is to escape the slaughterhouse as you play as the cow Beef, a genetically engineered cow thats been given awareness and the ability to walk on her hind legs. As you navigate the white walled, blood spattered utopia of gore, you will be chased by Meatjoy, a lovely young fellow who enjoys hacking cows to bits. As he encroaches on your position you will hear many of his quotes and be scared dungless as he sprints swinging his cleaver. Along the duration of the game you will have to help other cows mooing for help and aid them on their escape. The game is currently in Alpha so its going to be a while off, but really? A survival horror cow game. I hope this one is super scary. I would be more than happy to hold my hand high and say Yes, this cow game made me scream like a little girl. This hunk of meet can be kickstarted and please, for the love of god do. I really want to make a cow-pun-filled review of this puppy...er- calf. [URL=https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/000/667/289/a5934a9dce4909f766692809dd9bf2bc_large.jpg?1371033729]
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[/URL] And we also have the beautiful Soul Saga! http://www.disastercake.com/games/soul-saga/ Uber-excited to be introducing this gorgeous piece of work. Its a J-RPG styled game, taking heavy influence from games like Suidoken, Breath of Fire and of course Final Fantasy. The games developer Mike Gale has had a lot of experience as a programmer, game designer and technical artist for Microsoft, so the man knows what hes talking about. He has a very passionate and ambitious project tying down all the good mechanics from the most popular game series. The game revolves around the life of Mithos, a young guildmaster currently living on the floating village of Medonia. His dad was the guildmaster of the worlds strongest guild and now Mithos wants to top him. Collecting a few allies to join in his guild, he has the goal of killing the King of Dragons, which was his old mans final goal. The game boasts some gorgeous graphics, art and some pretty top-notch music and voice acting. The combat actually seems like a good concept of enemies needing a little understanding to beat, like in the good old days of using fire to kill that ice thing so you can then attack it with a melee weapon, but not a elemental melee weapon cause that woul- well, you get the idea. Mike seems real passionate about this project and has put a whole lot of effort into this game. It would be a real shame to see it go to waste. Hit this beauty up on heyere and pledge some moolah: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/disastercake/soul-saga-a-j-rpg-inspired-by-playstation-classics [URL=http://www.disastercake.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Soul-Saga-Bad-Guys-Group.jpg]
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[/URL] So, that about wraps up that Round Up folks, if you wanna see more of this then just hit subscribe or if you need any more information about these games, or just fancy a chat, then hit me up. Love Love! xox