Jakeykins / Member

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So here I am...

Hello world! I've been imm'ing and arr'ing for quite some time now, behind the the possibility of starting my way into the gaming industry. Now before I explain my life story, etc. be warned that you will do at least one of the following; Scoff, Roll your Eyes, Refer to me as a Hipster, Start to hate me. Basically I'm aiming to be a Graphic Designer in life, this is my passion and a very pinpointed focus. My second passion in life is gaming, from a young age I've played games, all through my life I've played games. I believe I pretty much know what makes a good game, what makes a bad game, what features should be included, opinions, opinions, opinions. On trying various different approaches it kinda came down to realizing my humor and literacy skills could have what it takes. So here I am about to start my journey into the reviewing world, if you have any criticism, please, please, PLEASE! Tell me. I need criticism on my criticism to make sure that, well, I'm not just chatting out my arse. Love love!