No the person standing behing Liquid is Naomi.If you have the trailer on playstation 3 with the good quality,you can see it's her.Because of her hair and the coat.That guy that yelled"commander?!" has white hair,if you freeze the trailer real quickly when you see his shades real close,you can see a piece of white hair outside.Either it could be Raiden in disguise(I highly doubt it) or Olga's son seeing how the game takes place in the future and he also could be in the military because of his mom and Olga has white hair...or it could be that Raiden and Ros had a son...who knows?Maybe they had a son before Raiden went all cyborg ninja on us.You gotta see the trailer on ps3 in the playstation store to see all the things I just told you all about.I think that guy in the trailer could be supposedly Raiden's son(not that I know)because he and Raiden have the same hair color and same type of long hair.Actor Richard Steven Horvitz(the guy who does invader Zim's voice and Psychonauts Raz's voice) is voicing a character in the game maybe it could be the guy with the shades.
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