I'm really bored so if you're new to system wars, then go ahead and read this. You already know what these are, these are what they act like from what I've seen. The "best of" rating means that they are the nicest of that particular group of people on System Wars.
Cows: these are the most rare breed of all on system wars ever since PS3 bashing became more abundant. Before the days of its launch, cows were probably the most obnoxious of the fanboys. Most of them, after the PS3 launch, went for PS360 instead since the 360 is nearly untouchable at the moment. Cows in the days of the PS2 were invincible, but not so much now. Cows nowadays usually do topics like: "Why the 360 is more expensive than the PS3," and other things like that. There are some pretty nice cows though.
Best of the Cows: Telekill. Telekill is hardly a Cow at all and is very open-minded when it comes to games on other systems. Very unbiased person indeed. Kudos to you, Telekill.
Lemmings: starting to take the place of cows in both aspects of annoying and invincible. Before both the Wii and the PS3 launched, they were pretty nice. Lately, they've become increasingly obnoxious and while there is a few nice ones, they've become hard to find. They are a big part of system wars nowadays.
Best if Lemmings: Ben-X. Ben-X is a person that is very into rare games. He is also very open-minded about other games on other consoles even though he leans towards Xbox 360. Good work there, Ben-X.
Sheep: I haven't met very many militant sheep although there is a few rather annoying ones on occasion. They are the third most abundant on system wars just taking behind the lemmings. There are not a whole lot of them since most of the Nintendo fans have other systems as well. This is most true simply because they have the least-expensive console. For the most part, a lot of people seem to hate them, but the hatred for them is pointless since there are almost little-to-none of them.
Best of Sheep: N/A haven't met very many hardcore sheep at least on system wars.
Hermits: N/A I have seen only one hermit and that's about it.
Shemmings (Wii60): The most abundant on system wars. A lot, though not all, tend to love bashing the PS3 of course. They don't love both systems equally though. Some tend to lean towards more of Wii and others the 360.
Best of Shemmings: Too many to name just one.
Cemmings/Lows? (PS360): these are mainly just remnant cows who have decided to jump on board the Microsoft bandwagon. Some tend to be quiet while others go on pathetic rants about how they absolutely hate the Wii even though they've never tried it. There isn't really any "best of" for these guys. Most of the ones I've met are very rude. That doesn't mean they're all bad though, just the ones I've met so far have been pretty annoying. Like I said, these are mostly remnant cows who actually don't really care all that much about the 360, but buy one anyway just so they think they can spite Nintendo fans. (Though most Nintendo fans I've talked to couldn't really care less to be honest). I've even liked some fanboys better than some of these ignorant pests.
Edit: Do not take this review into heart of these guys. Some of them might be pretty nice, but the ones I've met so far have been pretty bad.
Ceep/Shows? (PSWii): Your more likely to find these than the Cemmings/Lows, but less likely to find them than shemmings. These are the people that don't like the american system and stick with the japanese systems. The ones I've met so far are fairly nice, but some can be annoying in rants about the 360.
Best of PSWii: N/A There is one particular person, but I can't remember his name.
Manticore (PSWii60): I happen to be in this category. Manticores use the most logic when it comes to criticizing each and every one of these systems from what I've seen (don't thing I'm being self-indulgent). They have the most valid arguments about each system because they've actually tried them all. Stick with these guys if you're looking for what real gamers think about each system.
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