i actually disagree with you oilberf21, i find the download rates the same some may be a bit slower for sony but it's still good speed and connections now on the 360 on the other hand might just be a bit faster for downloading updates but ... playing online is just the same.... i find PS3 is better cause it's free and yea sure it may not cost that much yearly but while you pay for a new game ( $59.99 ) and the price for a new member ship $50 something ish plus tax ... i can buy Two games more then you have the same kind of online experience ( but better ) and play for free. now graphics wise .. i look at the 2 .. some seems to be a bit bland on PS3 but more games are more colourfull then dark and better lighting in my views on the PS3 then 360 .. but i find PS3 is better then 360 in graphics as well as online play ... so why should i pay $60 to play with people when i can get the same experience for free. That's My 2 Cents
the way things turn out for some games .. could it possible be the developers fault for not being so good with lighting visuls and such on the PS3 ? anyways Graphics don't tend to do it for me it's the games .. 360 may have more games but .. their just not all that good .. most games i'm not even interested in for the 360 and alot were over rated. now for the PS3 .. i don't like some of the scores the PS3 games are getting from you gamespot ... i like to think Microsoft is paying you money to give them lower scores or something cause i disagree with some of your scores i checked up on. i own both consoles but i like the PS3 over the 360
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