I agree with you completely. The first time I saw MGS2 running on a PS2 I was amazed. The end of 2001 had the games that foreshadowed the potential of the PS2 generation. Final Fantasy X and GTA 3 made leaps in graphics and gameplay respectively. The Kojima team is amazing for using the PS2 hardware. I know MGS3 didn't get as much buzz over it's graphics as MGS2 did, but when you compare the two, the MGS3 engine adds a lot of detail and textures. I think Capcom should also be commended for their port of Resident Evil 4 to the PS2. They did an excellent job. I think Orsen Wells once said "The enemy of art is the absence of limitations." That may not be the exact quote, but in any case I think it directly applies to development on the PS2. The system was competing against two consoles with better technology, and while say developers on Xbox didn't have as much limitations on what they could do technically, there is a lot to be said for the guys who really delve into the architecture of the hardware and make it do things others never thought possible. I think that some times the attitude of the PC development world is the opposite of this, where they make an engine however powerfully, yet wastefully, and you pay to upgrade to something that can run it.SCEA:
with ICO, SotC and both GoW games. Those games showed what PS 2 could do and what new gameplay could be introduced to create a marvelous game. Nobody can deny that SotC creative gameplay is not a copy of an existing. Its innovative and creative. Making you figure the way to reach the Colossi and how to kill them. GoW added the killing minigames, and since then, some other games have copied it. Also, GoW 2 has the best graphics in the console too. Cheers for Sony on this 4 games.
with the introduction of 3 new game series that were hits for the console, which are DMC, Onimusha and the not so popular over seas game Monster Hunter. DMC has 4 games on the PS 2, Onimusha has 5 and Monster Hunter has 2. DMC renewed the Hack and Slash genre introduced some time ago, and added new factors. DMC 2 almost killed the saga, and made DMC 3 sales extremely bad to the point of having to port it to PC too. Onimusha had normal sales and were really good games. The first 3 had Resident Evil style of gameplay but in the medieval Japan (feudal times). Number 4 or known as Dawn of Dreams takes more the side of DMC series. Monster Hunter is a great online MMO with lots of stuff to do and is extremely popular in Japan.
This time, we had 2 series that changed things. Lets start with the new IP (intellectual property). Zone of the Enders. the first one wasnt that good to reviewers and passed unnoticed, but with the come of the second, which not only has one of the best graphics around, but was also the first game to feature so many active images at the same time with little to none slowdowns that makes it one of the best games around. Later, we have MGS series, MGS 2 and substance were great games, loved by most, hated by Snake fans. MGS3 changed the whole thing to survivalism, and now you could basically turn the game into an action game if liked. MGS 3 subsistence, changed the camera issues but also added the first online service plus one great extre. Ports of great quality of the first 2 MG games. Metal Gear and Metal Gear Solid.
Square Soft/ Square Enix:
Square Soft published FF X a long time ago, that game revolutionalized PS 2s graphic potential and was the boost in sales the console was needing. Many love FF X and it still has some of the best graphics and CGIs. Then we have Dragon Quest VIII. A huge world to explore, great cell shaded graphics and music. Finally, we have FF XII and Valkyrie Profile 2. The later one is an underdog an not many have played it. It has graphics rivalling FF XII, great music and gameplay too. FF XII was the final SE bomb for the PS 2. With a more than lenghty campaign, lots of customization and a whole new gameplay that brought the world of FF XI to those of us who cant play it.
Thoug this studio was part of Capcom, due to the fact that they closed it and got into some fights with the previous devs, Im placing it as a stand alone company. The games we saw from them were Okami and God Hand. Okami brought the whole Zelda feeling to a PS game, with the new gameplay mechanichs that involved using the magic brush you would play as Amaterasu, a god turned into a wolf in order to save the world of darkness brought by the giant demonic snake (Yamato). Basically the game takes the legend of the fight of Amaterasu against the white serpent Yamato into a game. The second game is God Hand, which brought lots of customization to your character to fit your fighting style, lots of neat ideas, good graphics with some enviromental glitches, and extremely hilarious moments.
This is basically a list of must own PS 2 games.
Jamibung's forum posts
Which developers created games that wowed you? With graphics, or gameplay, or other elements, or perhaps a perfect combination. It'd be interesting to know what kind of things people found very impressive and enjoyable on the PS2.
I would have to say there are quite a few, probably many that I haven't even played, but for me GTA: Vice City really stands out. The graphics are not mind-blowing technically, but the artistic direction creates the perfect setting. The exagerated 80s style, saturated neon colours at night, along with the music, and dialog on the radio stations. It left a far greater impression on me than the other GTA games.
You make a good point, but keep in mind that the ps2 has been out a long time, and may have been lossed.instantdeath999You can go to the playstation website and get PDF user manuals for every version of the PS2.
[QUOTE="Gooserider71"]I am in the unfortunate situation of having a broken (read, old and worn out p.o.s) DVD player. In the attempt to continue my enjoyment of mvoies, I remembered that my PS2 can and does play DVDs. However, all of my nice letterbox DVD's are stretching out on my nice widescreen TV, like it was a fullscreen version of the movie. Did I miss a setting somewhere? Is there an obtainable driver upgrade that fixes this issue? Or does the PS2 really just suck that bad with DVDs?hypnotoad8128Just set video output to 16x9 in the PS2 setup, then you'll be right.. If a movie is in flat aspect 1:78:1 you'll get no black bars as expected, if the movie is at 2:35:1 aspect, you'll get minimal bars as it should be. There is no zoom on the PS2. If you want to bastardise your movies, buy a normal dvd plyer. Well said
Some game support the COMPONENT,and it will display 480i visual pictures. Such as soul caliper & fatal frame & gowsuperairlikeyou have no idea what you're talking about. Some games support progressive scan, which is actually 480p and requires component cables to work.
I was expecting the ps3, xbox 360, and the wii to be really great, like with next gen graphics, power and speed, but now it is just a big let down, espically the ps3, i expected more from itwashb28879The beginning of a system's lifecycle is always it's worst. Developers are used to working under the limitations of the previous generation and are under pressure to get games out for the new systems. So you see a lot of games and ideas carried over from last gen, just prettied up a bit. Give it some time, and you'll be playing some amazing stuff that you could have never seen coming. In the meantime enjoy the games that are pushing your PS2 to the limits with great graphics and gameplay, there's plenty to choose from.
Crap. Any idea where I can pick up one of those? Also, is PS3 the same way? Cuz that would really suck.MarineJcksnThe PS3 creates virtual PS1 and PS2 memory cards on the hard drive if you want. You can make as many as you want, but each virtual memory card only holds as much as their real life first party counterparts.
Will switching from the standard composite cables to the Sony component cables really improve the visuals on my HDTV? I'm using my PS2 on a 46" 720p/1080i DLP and the graphics are looking pretty sorry. Will the addition of progressive scan really help out the picture that much? I'm about to get GoW 2 and might pick up the cables as well. Worth my $$?Fignewton50Yes it will make the games look so much better, all the games, including those that don't do progressive scan. Here is why: The standard composite cable that comes with the PS2 carries the entire video signal over one wire. Different elements of the signal slightly interfere with each other, causing the image to lose sharpness and detail, especially with the colour red. Component cables sepearate the video signal into three parts sent separately over three wires. The video signal is divided into luminance, and two types of chrominance, it is written like this - Y Cb/Pb Cr/Pr. By separating the signal into those parts the picture is basically pixel perfect. You'll notice a huge difference, it's definitely worth your money.
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