Theory - "Next-Gen Gaming has become a franchise within itself. More and more games are being released - with more and more similarities than any before them. Since when did Next-Gen mean a reboot of previous games? I've come to realise that the 7th Generation of gaming has become obsessed with Graphics, Console Warfare and Profit. My theory stands that - games are not as good as they used to be - due to an industry that ignores the publics points of view, personal needs and ideas."
In order to proceed with my analysis of the 7th Generation we must first take a journey back in time - to where it all began. The 1st Generation and 1972.
It started with Ralph Baer - a man convinced in creating an interactive television - so with his team at Sanders Associates - he began work on and completed in creating a two player video game "Chase" - in which 2 dots chase each other across the screen. After a demonstration the project received funding - this was used to create the very first Light Gun - and game wherein targets moved by the other player had to be shot at. It was only when Bill Rusch joined the team that things started moving - when the first true game was created on the console Magnavox Odyssey - a ping-pong game which later was redeveloped for arcade and home use - better known as PONG. The first true funded home console was born - and shipped on release at Us $100 in May 1972. The history of computer gaming had begun.
The 2nd Generation 1976 - 1983 saw the release of the classics - the true stepping stones of todays works - "Asteroids" "Breakout" "Donkey Kong" "Frogger" "Pac-man" "Space Invaders" and the first truly loved game characters in "Mario Bros". This was the early 8 bit era - the beginning of true gaming heaven - there were no Cell Processors or online play - there were the games - pure and not convoluted by companies dragging out the profit. It was in this era that Atari began its game console development with its first release - Atari 2600 - allowed by its success with PONG. Sega too began their career here - with their Sega SG-1000 - two names we still see today - and still having relative success - but for the same reasons?
The 3rd Generation came directly after the North American Video Game crash of 1983 wherein companies became bankrupt and the progression of the games industry looked to fail - there was too much development in progress for the fragile market and things began to get out of hand. A rival to the console world was also released - the Personal Computer (PC) became publicly available - its use of writable storage meant for more complex computer games. 3rd Generation (1983- 1992) - saw the first console battle - Sega vs Nintendo. NES vs Sega Master System both launched at US$199.99. Nintendo released Super Mario Bros on September 13th 1985 and before the year was out it became the highest selling game of that year - selling 10 million copies - then eventually 40 million copies - making it the highest selling video game of all time. So it was Super Mario Bros which launched the first world wide success in sales - its simplicity in game play made it attractive to many and the lovable characters became symbols of Nintendo's success. Atari however released "Gauntlet" - the first Dungeon Crawl arcade game - which soon was followed by newly started Capcom with Ghost's and Goblins - one of the most popular arcade games of the year - which then spawned a series of later games. Electronic Art's roots also lie here with their two releases of Adventure Construction Set and Racing Destruction set - which became hits following the success of their Pinball Construction Set. However - Commodore were lurking - and with the release of their newest personal computer the Amiga - began their lifespan of great gaming success.
In 1986 video gaming was taken to new heights. The advantages of consoles and pc's brought games into a spectrum and bitmapped texture graphics - spawning the titles such a "Bubble Bobble" and "Arkanoid" - which both spawned many sequels and remakes - but it was in this year that multi-million dollar franchise was born - "The Legend of Zelda" the sole spiritual runner of console role-playing games.
1987 - Capcom bring "Streetfighter" to the arcades, Konami Corporation release "Metal Gear" in Japan and Nintendo sequel Zelda with "The Adventure of Link (Zelda II)" But a rather unknown company facing bankruptcy had an idea - which nowadays can be said to be a series of one of the most successful games of all time - Squaresoft's "Final Fantasy" - all of these games can be seen on our shelves today - but have they progressed? Graphically yes, Audio yes but gameplay? Is the original essence still there? Or have these franchises been abused for corporate profit? 1987 - the beginning of Franchises.
1989 brought the arrival of a new Genre - the god games Genre - with Bullfrogs release of "Populous" and the first sim game "Sim City" - released by Maxis revolutionised real time gameplay. An unlicensed "Tetris" was also released. The commodore Amiga peaked for the first time with the release of "The Prince of Persia" and "Shadow of the Beast" showing what the new technology was capable of - excellent gameplay - superior graphics and vibrant audio capabilites brought these games into the light and placed them as milestones in the gaming atlas.
1991 - the year of my birth and a year of great gaming achievement and advancement. Sid Meiers "Civilisation" was first released and is still going strong today - a graphical remake of the original. Electronic Arts released "Road Rash" - the Motorbike racing game which revolutionised the Genre - bringing in the elements of rival bikers - on road battles and incorporating law enforcement penalties. Delphine software as released one of the first games to use polygons instead of sprites - "Another World" one of the first steps into 3d gaming. Yet another franchise was born - "Neverwinter Nights" - the first graphical MMORPG. Sega sought to strike Mario Bros had with their newest release - "Sonic the Hedgehog". All of these games can relate to the games of today - similar gameplay and all original ideas - games nowadays still seem to be copys brought forward to a new generation. "Final Fantasy 7" was released in Japan.
1992 - the first person shooter was born with Id Softwares "Wolfenstein 3d" the one which put the genre on the map. "Mortal Kombat" also stretched the limits of beat em ups - including a lot of gore - something previously unseen. The first survival horror game was released "Alone in the Dark" and the creating the template for the modern real time strategy genre was "Dune II"
1993 - "Doom" - the first person shooter god-father - which advanced 3d computer graphics forever. Probably the most influential game of all time - some 15 years ago - and still great to play now. Followed by Doom II in 1994.
1994 - "Warcraft" by Blizzard - an influence to hundreds of games. An original.
1995 - "Warhammer; shadow of the horned rat" by Mindscape was the first real time tactics game and the first fully 3d rendered real-time strategy/wargame.
1996 - a huge year with huge new releases. "Resident Evil" - invented the term survival horror. "Duke Nukem 3D" - a defining title for FPS. "Quake" - Advancing 3d graphics technology on Pc - started the franchise which has sold over 4 million games. "Crash Bandicoot" - the very mascot for Sony Playstation. "Tomb Raider" - the beginning of action gaming - first well-known female character Laura Croft. "Diablo" - enormously popular due for sequel on Next-Gen.
1997 - "Turok" "Dungeon Keeper" "Golden Eye 007" "Abes Oddysee" "Gran Turismo" - the originals- the best.
1998 - The Key Gaming year - some ten years before Next Gen saw the arrival of games like no other. The greatest game of all time - "Metal Gear Solid" - other releases include "Unreal" "Half-Life" all of which have seen life on next-gen consoles - but do they match the originals.
1999 - saw "Silent Hill" "Soul Calibur" "Unreal Tournament"
2000 - "The Sims" "Evolva" "Shogun - Total War" "Perfect Dark" completely unique games.
2001 - "Black and White" "Max Payne" "Ico" "Devil May Cry" and the beginning of truly great graphics. Games where thought linear and compulsive until the release of a somewhat new game which has influenced every single other since its release. A fully rendered 3d world - free roam - freedom of action - Grand Theft Auto 3 - a true Next-Gen experience - this was heavily the greatest achievement in gaming so far which stunned the public.
2002 - the gaming world is slipping. Not too much new here except the revolutionary "Splinter Cell"
2003 - "Call of Duty" "Beyond good and evil" "Manhunt" - so many sequels so little accomplishment
August 3rd 2004 - the birth of the Graphical era - technology at its finest - gaming at its scariest - the first person shooter returns to revolutionise the Genre yet again "DOOM 3."
2004 - saw the arrival of "Fable" - the first of its kind.
2005 - "God of War" and the last Awe Inspiring game of the PS2 - "Shadow of the Colossus"
2006 - present time .....Welcome to the next GENERATION of Gaming - say hello to HD and prepare to praise up the graphics because in the end - it seems that this is all a lot of the games have - good graphics - poor structuring - poor story telling - poor attempts at making a franchise last.
Next Gen Games Unqiue to Genre - "Bully" "Wii Sports" "Army of Two" "Assassins Creed" "Okami"
Very few unique games - a lot of remakes, sequels, franchises - all with updated graphics but very similar gameplay...
Read the list of games above - the time line of technology and think to yourself - are we really living in a next generation of gaming? Or is it a next generation of Graphics? The evidence seems to point to Graphics - but what are your thoughts?
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