For more fun and excitement, check out the company's news page. In 2008 they hired a company to enforce their patents. Every news update after that is about another place that they're trying to sue.
@u13mkaganovich Highly story driven. Not a very open world, generally when you go into a mission you're locked into that area until the mission is complete.
I totally missed that Giants was being played today... which is probably for the best, since you don't want to spend the stream with me screaming into the camera that this is one of the most amazing and overlooked games ever. And if you do want that, maybe we should do Rocket Jockey next.
@Ortego13 Check out part 5 of AC2 and part 5 of Revelations to get most of the information about the previous civilization. Basically it seems that solar flares of some kind are what wiped out most life on the planet, the remaining ones of the previous civilization were then wiped out by the remaining parts of our civilization. Desmond is to prevent a catastrophe, which is not explicitly known before AC3 but is pointed towards being something like more solar flares.
@Ortego13 There have been comic books in the Assassin's Creed universe that took place in Russia, but that does not mean the next entry in the series will be there. Ubisoft have previously released artwork showing an Egyptian motif and also one of the producers talked about how they really want to do an India setting.
I think the Indian setting could be great, during the the Mughal invasion and the start of Sikhism. The Sikhs would fit perfectly into the Assassin's fiction, after they were betrayed by the Mughals they pretty much became like the Assassin order. There were stories of them tying a chakram into their hair and using it as a weapon while riding a horse. They would hang from the side of the horse and swing their hair with the chakram to attack people while they rode by.
@rudyv30 Thank you for letting me know there is an audience for this little project. I'm glad it's been received well and has so much support, I look forward to doing this for other games.
Jan_Meja_Heir's comments