…I hate typing on a laptop. I just erased everything I was typing and have to start over. Oh well, here goes again. Two movies you must see, Crank and Jackass 2. Trust me, see Crank, its amazing. In gaming news, I started playing Guitar Hero after moving into my dorm about a month ago. Yeah, I go to college now and they love to give you a ton of work. Who would have thought you would have to work in college? Oh well, Guitar Hero, I’ve already beaten it on expert. I love the game more than I thought I would. I still continue to play it and cannot wait until Guitar Hero II, which, by the way, features the two greatest bands ever, Stone Temple Pilots and Alice in Chains. I also can’t wait to play other songs, such as “Sweet Child ‘O Mine,” “Surrender,” and “Got Me Now.” Man, that games going to be almost too good. In other news, I am still in shock at how cool the MGS4 trailer was that was released at TGS on the 21st, my birthday by the way, 18. Hideo manages to have us all talking about MGS4 even though I’m sure it won’t be out for another year at the least. Also, not very interested in the new Ninja Gaidan game, I mean it’s a remake of a remake. And the graphics aren’t even much better. Just make a true sequel already. Also, after reading over Sony’s keynotes at TGS, I think they have once again shot themselves in the foot. I mean, offering HDMI cables with the lower $499 package is good, but then announcing a $80 price cut for Japan, but no the US is just ridiculous. I really hope the 360 prospers over the PS3 for Sony’s arrogance. I am also still pumped about the release of Splinter Cell Double Agent. About a month away from release, and I cannot wait. Oh well, guess I’ll have to, and by then, Guitar Hero II and GoW will be due out soon. Now I really can’t wait. Anyways, that’s all I’ve got for now. Tune in next time…whenever that may be with fifty million things to do for college.
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