Jarett-123456's forum posts
I'm young and happen to have alot of M-Rated games!!..No joke..And since when are there so many babysitters in the forums.....I came here to talk about games....Not be barred from playing them... If so I would've went to gamestop...Damn gamesTOP is annoying and flip you super game nanny!!!!!!!
Umm I haven't been here in a while...But I thought this would be a great place to post about my LBP level...For those of you who care to play it, its up now. :)
Name: The Road Not Taken
OK im look for a monitor HDMI compatible of course...
That is 0 to 200$.
0 would be great....(Sarcasm)
I was looking for like a gaming "rig."
I use that term lightly...
Does anyone know a site or a set up I could use for the displays that would total at about 200$???
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