by JasonQuigley on Comments
I don't think I've ever been in love, but I think I have fallen in love. I havn't been able to stop thinking about this girl and it's only been a few hours since I last saw her. I don't know wheteher I should let her know how I feel or not, because she's such a good friend to begin with and I don't want to mess that up. The vibe I'm getting is that she likes me back, but I can't be sure and I've been wrong about the sign with other girls many times, but as I already said, this does feel different. We have so much in common, but at the same time we can argue about things aswell, which as I know from watching other successful couples being able to have a friendly argument every now and then is important. It as only yesterday we were arguing over whether 'Lost' or 'Desperate Housewives' was the best show on TV right now. I was backing 'Lost' and she stuck with 'Desperate Housewives.' In the end we agreed to disagree since we both like the two shows anyway, but I really am confused as to what I should do. I've never been any good with relationships, I've never had a serious girlfriend, my longest relationship lasted three weeks and I really want to take a good shot this time, therefore I don't want to f**k it up before it even begins. Does anyone out there have any advice they can share with me, I'd really appreciate some help on this one and the only friends that can give me advice at home are also friends with the same girl and I'm not sure letting them know is a good idea. Any advice will be gratefully accepted.