One Hysterically Wild Weekend (A Short Biographical Story)
by JasonQuigley on Comments
This story is an actual account of a weekend i spent with some friends and was written by me Cian Raymond Joseph 'Cornflake' Taaffe the first and anyone who reads it deserves a cookie. I guarantee it will be humorous even though it is quite long, if you have a few minutes, read it and leave your comments with me. I call it 'Weekend Of The Livng Idiots!' or as the french say 'Le Weekend de la Weirdos!' Just had the craziest weekend ever. Woke up friday morning at 8.00 and made my way into the city centre, where I was to meet some of my friends. We were heading up to Donegal for Matt's eighteenth birthday to his house up there. Supplied with cheap food and quality boos, we hopped on the bus, where we would embark on a six hour journey. In total there were thirteen of us, eight guys, five girls. Adam, Katie, Juliette, Mia and Sam could not join us for various reasons which put a slight dampener on the excursion, but we soon forget are missing compadres as we had a crazy bus journey which was mostly used to take cheap shots at Fiona's Dead Overweight Cat, Fluffy. It was at this point that I revealed the story of how my pet goldfish, George, had died several years previous. This humorous anicdote lightened the mood and everyone laughed hysterically for about an hour. After departing the bus it was an hour walk to the house on a winding country road. Aidan Summerville played guitar, while Fiona complained about how badly she needed the toilet as Ornat fell in the ditch and ruined her trousers. Matt and Connor stayed to the front, while myself, Alison, Aidan Williams, Fiona, Aidan Summerville and Bailey took the rear. Ornat, Sean, Orla, Finn and Muireann kept a steady pace somewhere in the middle. About halfway to the house my injured foot became blindingly painful under the weight of my stuff and Aidan Williams ended up carrying my bag to the house. Some of us were forced to stop while Fiona went to some random house asking to use the toilet. It was at this point we came up with the Donegal Toothpick Massacre idea. The theory we had was that since the house was out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by a murderous bog, a deadly cliff, a killing road and the sinister pet goat Malachai, this would be the perfect setting for a killing spree. We also decided that Alison would be the murderer, as she is the least likely to do actually kill us and therefore would be the most obvious. Anyway, when we arrived at the house Matt, Aidan Williams and Ornat ventured to the shop in search of milk, while the rest of us stayed behind to pitch the tent the girls wanted to stay in and to cook the dinner, which surprisingly was pasta and cheese are two favorite camping foods. After we ate we began drinking a ridiculous amount of alcohol. Once everyone except for Orla and myself were hammered people started drifting into different groups. Fiona and Aidan Williams who have been dating longest went off to some room, the newer couple Ornat and Sean went to some different room and the least likely people to be paired off Muireann and Aidan Summerville occupied a third room. Bailey spent the night smoking many of the 400 cigarettes we found and drinking absense. Conor and Finn were having a heart to heart. Matt and Alison were discussing something unimportant, while myself and Orla had our own unnecessary conversation about how drunk everyone else was. The following morning Fiona woke everyone at 9.00. Finn and Conor cooked a breakfast fit for kings and Aidan Williams made french toast. After breakfast Aidan Williams and I visited the Goat Malachai before venturing to the shop with Conor and Bailey. We bought some stuff and then sat on a bench outside the shop relaxing. It wasn't long before Alison, Sean, Finn, Orla, Fiona and Muireann arrived at the shop. We sat there for a while longer catching some rays before heading to the pub. The four girls went up to the church while us six guys played pool and drank beer. When the girls came back we went to the restaurant where we had cheeseburgers and beer. As we were leaving we got a phone call from Matt saying not to return to the house for at least half an hour which of course made us get back there even faster. Of course it was a set up and nothing was actually going on, but Matt, Aidan Summerville and Ornat made it look as if we had walked in on a threesome. At this point Aidan Williams and I made another trip to the shop for milk and m&m's. Aidan dressed in a giant poncho, a wolly hat and shoeless got many strange looks and it probably didn't help that my t-shirt said "Looking For A Victim." When we returned Finn and I went out to the pub, where we got quite wasted, before Aidan Williams came down to tell us dinner was ready. After dinner Myself, Finn, Orla, Alison, Bailey, Aidan Summerville and Conor played Manhunt. Myslef and Aidan Summerville hid on the roof for the first round, which coincidentally is where I hid for the second and third round. Round four was my turn to be on, along with Alison and Orla, but we were so bad at finding them that they gave up, went inside and left us wandering the streets. Sunday morning at 5.00 am Finn, Orla, Bailey and Muireann left to get the early bus as they all had to be home early. The rest of us woke at 12.00, cleaned the house and went for the next bus ourselves. What everyone else did on the bus, I do not know, myslef and Alison were deep in conversation the entire journey or else we were listening to music for awhile and then discussing it. I quite like her, we have so much in common it's horrifying, but that's a story for another day... I have many pictures of this crazy trip, but I don't know how to post them, if someone could tell me that would be a great help.