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Javinova Blog

Couldn't figure out Gamespot

God talk about different.  When gamespot was first changed I couldn't figure out how to get to unions or anything so i gave up for months and now im back and finally figured it out, its been since august since i last was at the Xbox 360 Union and I can't believe it, i have no idea whats going on.  So hopefully I will be able to get back into the routine of things and continue with the xbox 360 union as an officer.

360 Union Gaming Night Today

The first, hopefully weekly and hopefully successful 360 Union Gaming Night starts today Saturday August 13 :D

After trying to get people input, suggesting it in the first place, finding if it was okay to create this gaming night, then preparation for it, trying to find another host, and the whole bit, this night is finally a reality! :D :D :D

YOU people made this work, and hopefully you all will enjoy and continue to support this gaming night. Id like to thank all of you for supporting this and for coming to this gaming night and making this happen. This should be so much fun and hopefully will keep people active in the union, attract more people, and bring this union closer together.

Its too bad for those who don't have Xbox Live or Halo 2, but hmmm maybe its time to support not just this but Bungie, Microsoft, and BUY XBOX LIVE AND HALO 2 haha.

Anyways this should be an awesome night and I look forward to meeting all of you and getting to play some hardcore kick @$$ halo 2 with you all.

Hopefully this will be a great success, see you all tonight!!! And hopefully every week.


Your excited officer, Javinova.

Gaming Night, Download new maps!

As most of you should know i am hosting this unions first halo 2 gaming night this Saturday on the 13th. I just realized to make this a better experience we should also be playing some of the new maps that came out. I want every person who is coming to have bought all the new maps! It isn't all that much money, but please if everyone can do this it will make things way better. If you just absolutely won't buy the new maps then at least show up with the 4 free ones!!! Thats all I ask, for those who might not have read the info on the gaming night here it is again:

Xbox 360 Union, since there has been much going on lately it has been giving me much trouble planning the Gamers Night for the 360 Union. So I have gone to the trouble myself to plan this without much input from the people. Now that the plans are set, I want feedback to see who will come to our first Xbox 360 Union Gamers Night on Halo 2!

I have decided that to try out the first time, I will be hosting the first Gamers Union Night on this Saturday the 13th!

The times for different time zones when it will be starting are as follows (sorry if i didn't post your time zone):
6:00 Pacific
7:00 Mountain
8:00 Central
9:00 Eastern

If people fail to respond and/or we don't get enough then the Gaming Night will hopefully be postponed and moved to the next Saturday (Saturday the 20th). You people are what will make this work if there is enough responce with people wanting to do this.

How this will work is that on Saturday the 13th everyone who wishes to play will send me a friend request (a half an hour before the gaming night starts) on Xbox Live with an attached text message saying 360 Union. I will then send you a clan invite so that these games will be easier to set up so I can tell you apart from my other friends on my friends list. If I have so much responce that there is more then a games worth of people (16) then I request people to Private Message me saying that they want to help host this night so we can have multiple games going. In this message the person can not just ask, they must tell me why they will be good as a host (doesn't have to be long) and give me some assurance you won't just ditch or back out when I need you.

My Gamertag is Javinova. Hopefully there is enough responce so that this can work on Saturday the 13th and like I said, if there isn't enough people then hopefully on Saturday the 20th it will work.

Lastly I think the last thing you all need to know is that (and this is important to our union) that you:

May have guests playing with you, BUT, you may not invite friends you have on live. This is for people ONLY in the Xbox 360 Union, NO OUTSIDERS, unless they play as your guest!

So Post and lets see if this Saturday the 13th we can have the Xbox 360 Union, Halo 2 Gaming Night Started!

One of your officers, Javinova.

No longer officer of Halo 2 Union :(

I didn't even know what a union board was until Obesity King kept pushing me to post on it and i finally found it, unfortunately it was too late that i realized because in the Halo 2 Union i wasn't posting on the board so I was demoted :(

It really sucks because that was the union I was first officer with and inputting a lot when it came to updates and posts (on the update board). But what can ya do.. :(

At least now I can put more attention into the Xbox 360 Union which is my favorite of the two anyways, and I just started trying to host the Xbox 360 Union Gaming Night. Well I love to make the unions i am officers of the best they can be, and now being only the xbox 360 union I can put all my efforts into it!

WOOT The Xbox 360 Union is the Greatest!!

The Xbox 360 and Halo 2 Union!

I am an officer of 2 of some of the most amazing unions there are. There is the Xbox 360 Union and the Halo 2 Union.

They both are great unions for people who love to be a part of something big, great of those who love the xbox 360 and Halo, and awesome for voicing your opinion while encouraging the gaming world in these two categories. Anyone can be a part of these unions and they are fun to be in. They both have things that make them great.

One of my favorite things of the Halo 2 Union is Killtacular Friday. If you are in the union then what happens is every Friday on xbox live the union gets together and does a big fiesta of custom gaming. It is so much fun getting to play with the people that you have been talking with on Gamespot. It really brings you even closer together as a union and well its just awesome for a great time.

I find that the Xbox 360 Union is excellent with the information services department. If you didn't know anything about the Xbox 360, after im sure you will know so much more. If some new happens with the Xbox 360 or anything relating to it you will find out. The xbox 360 union is a great resource for anything and everything xbox and its awesome to be a part of that.

So join the Xbox 360 and Halo 2 Union, and just have a blast. There is nothing regretful about it, and it is so much fun. These are already amazing unions that still have amazing potential and if you join you can help bring the good that isn't there yet, to existance.