Javinova / Member

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No longer officer of Halo 2 Union :(

I didn't even know what a union board was until Obesity King kept pushing me to post on it and i finally found it, unfortunately it was too late that i realized because in the Halo 2 Union i wasn't posting on the board so I was demoted :(

It really sucks because that was the union I was first officer with and inputting a lot when it came to updates and posts (on the update board). But what can ya do.. :(

At least now I can put more attention into the Xbox 360 Union which is my favorite of the two anyways, and I just started trying to host the Xbox 360 Union Gaming Night. Well I love to make the unions i am officers of the best they can be, and now being only the xbox 360 union I can put all my efforts into it!

WOOT The Xbox 360 Union is the Greatest!!