Javinova / Member

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The Xbox 360 and Halo 2 Union!

I am an officer of 2 of some of the most amazing unions there are. There is the Xbox 360 Union and the Halo 2 Union.

They both are great unions for people who love to be a part of something big, great of those who love the xbox 360 and Halo, and awesome for voicing your opinion while encouraging the gaming world in these two categories. Anyone can be a part of these unions and they are fun to be in. They both have things that make them great.

One of my favorite things of the Halo 2 Union is Killtacular Friday. If you are in the union then what happens is every Friday on xbox live the union gets together and does a big fiesta of custom gaming. It is so much fun getting to play with the people that you have been talking with on Gamespot. It really brings you even closer together as a union and well its just awesome for a great time.

I find that the Xbox 360 Union is excellent with the information services department. If you didn't know anything about the Xbox 360, after im sure you will know so much more. If some new happens with the Xbox 360 or anything relating to it you will find out. The xbox 360 union is a great resource for anything and everything xbox and its awesome to be a part of that.

So join the Xbox 360 and Halo 2 Union, and just have a blast. There is nothing regretful about it, and it is so much fun. These are already amazing unions that still have amazing potential and if you join you can help bring the good that isn't there yet, to existance.