To each there own, but if I had to pick Naughty Dog. If you were to ask me say in the last 90's I would of said Insomniac due to Spryo just being amazing. The companies are just different than they once were, and although I love Ratchet & Clank, I like the older PS2 ones. Naughty Dog has just blown the top off with being able to recognized with the Uncharted series. Resistance was good, but it wasn't great...I also lost faith in insomniac when Resistance 3 was buggy and Ratchet & Clankk: All 4 One just made me turn around and look the other way.
Just seeing this not ending well... Bethesda, at least take what was made of the Fallout MMO first make that, then worry about the Elder Scroll type of MMO.
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