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JazzInTha_veins Blog

Rubi (WET) vs. Bayonetta

This fall, two action obsesses vixens will fight for the hearts of gamers; who will be more than willing to crown one of then the queen of hack and slash. Before the battle gets under way though, i'd like to compare a few of the main aspects of each character, in order to make that decision a little easier. Part 1 Character Design // The character of Bayonetta is very unique in design, and has a somewhat natural quality. The black, leather looking body suit she wears is actually made entirely of her own hair. It's pure genius how the developers at Capcom thought to clothe her in the same material women care so much about. Hair is often thought of as one of the sources of a woman's strength. If her hair is looking particulary great one day, then she will have an abundance of confidence. You can expect quite the opposite on a bad hair day. Bayonetta's flowing, black hair is in fact her life force, and shields her from the dangers of the mythical world she dwells in. And, like the dozens of hairstyles women go through within a year, Bayonetta's style (and level) of clothing is constantly changing to fit her needs during combat. Bayonetta is one stylish witch I wouldn't mind taking out for a night on the town .// Rubi is a super sexy gun-for-hire (A2M calls her a fixer) who's more serious, and as equally stylish as the fan favorite, Dante (DMC series). Her outfit follows the typical bad-ass, edgy female look found in many of today's popular action movies, and she compliments the grimy look of her urban setting. Rubi's right arm is covered in Japanese tatoos; she also wears a golden, dragon shaped belt buckle, that brings attention to her camo pants. Her weapons include two pistols strapped to her side, along with an elaborately designed katana she keeps in a sheath on her back (although it rarely stays there). Rubi certainly has what it takes in the looks department, but plays it safe when compared to Bayonetta's cleverly outrageous concept and design. Winner: Bayonetta In part 2 of this blog i'll compare our gorgeous newcomers fighting systems, and find out which one will provide the greatest thrills and sorest thumbs.