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Collections and General Nerdiness

Hmm. I can't choose between the white and blue backgrounds when I'm logged in anymore? I don't really like the navy much... ah well.

I'm going to revamp a couple of my reviews since you have the option of editing them now, and I'm going to be going through and reviewing pretty much every game I've beaten, at least, eventually. Kind of saddened by the loss of .'s in normal rating, but oh well. I'd basically like to make use of Gamespot's features so I can have a collective of my opinions on games as well as what ones I own and have beaten (those get reviewed).

Lately I've been playing a lot, and I mean a LOT of Rockman games. Mostly ones that I haven't played before, since it's a gold series and I've obviously missed out (before this recent stunt the oldest game I'd played was X, if that tells you anything). I kind of wish I'd found the Anniversary Collection for PS2 instead of Gamecube, though. It'd be fine if I could just switch the damn jumping and shooting buttons, but I've beaten Rockman 1 and 2 and a lot of 3 within a couple of days, so I seem to be dealing. Mostly I find that the Gamecube controls make charging and jumping really difficult.

Also, I finally got to play a PSP, basically burrowing my friend's for a day. I spent a collective 10 hours or so playing Megaman: PoweredUp, Maverick Hunter X, Gitaroo Man Lives! and Disgaea. The verdict? I want a PSP and all of those games right now. Sadly I kind of lack the funds.

Currently Playing

I should actually use this thing, huh? May as well for gaming progress, even just for my own use--I have a terrible memory.

I finally got a copy of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney , just last Monday. I didn't know what to expect except that I knew it was brilliant and I went in already knowing a bit about the characters, but wow--I don't regret it at all. I'm just now starting on the 5th case, and I hear it's a long one, so I'll probably been on that for a while. I'm a decent way through an Earthbound playthrough (around fighting the Kraken) in preparation for playing Mother 3 again--this time on my DS Lite! I picked up a shiny new cartridge a while ago.

I never finished Final Fantasy III.. 've had it since Christmas. I should really pick up Okami, too.. I'm halfway through playing and I haven't in a couple of months. It's really pretty and I love the graphics and music, but the first good 20 hours was pretty easy.. at least it's picked up a bit. I don't mind a normal difficulty, but mind numbingly easy gets old fast! I've also got Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance to play too--my friend Ariane sent me her copy when she got me Phoenix Wright, but that gets priority. I plan to go out and buy Justice For All as soon as I can. It's a shame that Trials and Tribulations was delayed until October! ... I wonder how long it's going to take for the 4th to get translated. Probably won't be until this time next year.. lol.

Well I think that's about it.. oh, wait. I still have to finish EV training my Pokemon team in Diamond, and get working on that Pokedex! What a lazy Pokemon fan I am.

Anything and Everything

Ahh, finally I have beaten Mother 3! It's become one of my favourite games, I can't wait for to release it's translation so I can enjoy the in-battle text and missing NPCs and all that.

Off to write a crappy review~

Been playin' Mother 3

I'm up to Chapter 5 now. This one boss keeps whooping my ass, so I'm training a few levels and seeing of that helps. If not, it's obviously my items or something... XD

Yes! Victory is mine!

I can finally say that I've not only played, but beaten Earthbound. *pats self on the back* Personally the enemies in the last bits were the last boss, considering they're much harder than the last boss, but, I enjoyed it anyway!

Now I get to have fun trying to play through Mother 3 with a story translation at my side.XD

Mother? I'm bound for the Earth.

After losing my save in a crash, I'm once again attempting to go through Mother 2/Earthbound. I've never been a huge fan of the Dragon Quest-esque battle system, but since I know the game is a good one, I'm forcing myself to get through it. Plus, Mother 3 looks really awesome and I want to play it, but would feel weird without playing Mother 2 first. I just want to expand my horizons and try to beat as many games as possible!

It's probably one of the hardest games I've played that wasn't hard because the game sucked (for example, Beauty and the Beast for SNES. I rented that when I was a kid and did not have a good time), but was just hard in general.

Well, I'm not very far. I've just recruited Jeff and got back to Threed. Preparing to kick some zombie barf butt!

Game stuffs.

I have a couple things to say.

First, I forgot to mention that a couple of days ago I was bored, so I took out Super Mario World and decided to see if I could beat it in one sitting (also without resetting/etc to check the percent) with all of the percent. I got 2,041,170 points, and was like exploding with anticipation when I beat Bowser, 'cause I was skeptical about whether I'd missed anything or not. But 'lo and behold, when I reset it I was met with a lovely *96. Took me 2 and a half hours or so. I am a geek : D

I also beat Seiken Densetsu 3 (again) today with a party of Kevin, Angela and Carlie. I'm sad that I don't get to challenge the black rabite, so I guess I'll have to go through with Duran as my main character sometime.

ALSO, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl are making me DROOL. Nighttime is back. Heck, there's even dusk and afternoon and morning... and the male and female sprites for Pokemon look different! Like, female wooper's horns (coral?) are smaller and less detailed, and female Butterfree's wings have a bit of a different pattern! I've longed for the day that every Pokemon of a species wouldn't look exactly the same. I LOVE YOU, NINTENDO.

Now I just need a DS before it comes out and I'll be all set. : D