After my 50th hour of Planetside 2 I deleted it off Steam in frustration. It was not at my ability to play (though I admit I'm a lot worse at it than most shooters), but at my frustration at the first MMO shooter to grace popular gaming in decades having terrible game mechanics. Not broken, but intentional mechanics that don't add up to good tactical gameplay. It was not fun, it was not entertaining, and though I wished it to be so it simply flopped.
I don't mind giving a game a grace period, but there are things about Planetside 2 that will plague its gameplay as it develops. Here are some of them I see:
The Zerg: The "zerg" is the semi-affectionate name given to that huge group of players running amok the continents until it hits another zerg. You can tell the difference between a tactical group and the Zerg because the Zerg will normally lock itself down against another Zerg for 90% of its lifespan instead of actually trying to capture territories or flank or give ground. A good example is the constant fighting over "The Crown" territory in the middle of the map, normally with players running straight into their deaths.
The zerg is a difficult problem for most shooters to face, but when a zerg can be upwards of 500+ people per team it becomes a nightmare. That many people means tactics just fall apart. You may try to flank a position, but no matter how much you flank there will always be the other team further on the flank. Unless you go around entire territories to do so it is impossible, and the mindlessness of the zerg means even a good flanking manuever won't be exploited by your team. So kudos for parking your Sunderer behind the enemy base, but no one will spawn fast enough to defend it. Small groups broken off from the main force might be able to take key positions, but why would you when...
Cert/XP Gain: have absolutely no gain in comparison to kills. A single capture of a minor base will take around 3-5 minutes AT BEST with a FULL TEAM. It nets 250xp. A kill can net you 200xp, and takes 3-5 SECONDS. So why waste the 20 minutes it takes to slowly infiltrate a base and take it from under the enemies nose and then defend it when you could have zerged yourself ten times the amount of xp in that same amount of time? And again, with the imminent danger of open terrain and low TTK meaning death is measured in seconds, not minutes, the usefulness of base gain is negligible. Reminding me...
Little Rock/Paper/Scissors Diversity: Low TTK is never a problem in games if there is a good chunk of diversity. For instance, if infantry have a high AA gameplay, and tanks are good against infantry, and planes are good against tanks, you have a nice circle of life. But heirarchy in play (infantry are low, with everything else above) means infantry need to have something vehicles can't offer that is a step above the rest. In this game, they don't. Capture points maybe. Worse off, none of the classes feel different on a fundamental level. It's not necessary to be as diverse as Team Fortress 2, but when every single gun on the team is about the same in terms of damage output, and every gun that can be bought is simply an extension of one of those samey-style guns it makes cert/xp gain quite pointless.
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