I had to accustom to them. I didn't like WW2 sims to begin with but they just kept coming through every hole possible so I had to start tolerating them. I didn't like the retarted weapons off WW2 to begin with. It's like a kid in development. It's not a sword and it's not an advanced firearm but a metamorphose. I have a lot more respect for those weapons now though.
And another small complain I had has to do with a reality touch. Germans lost 11 million people in the war and the allies (consisting out of many many countries) something like 44 million! About 3.500.000 from the 11 mil were actual German military losses (with a slightly bigger number for the civilian side). Not that I find these to be happy statistics but that is the truth and the ever growing amount of American/English game-heroes, who kill hoards of Germans and complete all objectives seemingly winning the war in the process, somewhat annoys me.
Too many WWII themed games don't annoy me on their own. Their narrow-mindness does. NOT JUST GERMANS fought in the WWII and not just the English-US-Russian alliance either. There was some heavy fighting in many parts of the world with participants like Italians, French, Indus, Polish and even Chinese. Ok maybe their fighting was not as exciting since they were too often retreating and loosing a great amount of people.
I guess the idea is that you can fit a bunch of action in the largest war of all times. If you only look at English VS German losses you got yourself a Rambo game.
What about the civil war? What about the current war theaters. I only know 2 or 3 games that jumped up lately covering the Middle-Eastern activities. What about all those small conflicts with countries like Argentina. And whatever happend to the Bosnian conflicts...what, Operation Flashpoint with Operation Flashpoint 2 still hanging in the air and that's it? As players got somewhat annoyed by WWII, the developers started throwing the Vietnam war into the stew. Is that the best they can think of?!
How about making an "FPS" in the times when there were no guns? There are plenty of RPGs but how about a 16 century battle in first person view? 1 dagger, a couple of swords as a secondary weapon, a bow, a crossbow, an axe, flails, maces, a black powder grenade to top it all...There was no shortage of weapons back then.