Jeeceofx's forum posts
This year i think the competition on the FPS genre between the PS3 and the 360 will be like this:
PS3 X360
In terms of quality and not genre I think that Heavenly Sword could be another that can compete with bioshock as well as the two mentioned above.
Those 3 games will be ASS KICKERS and an awesome prelude to the BIG AAAAA+ titles like Metal Gear Solid 4 and Killzone 2 early next year while M$ will only have "Crappy Human" lol :D
I agree with you, I think HAZE is going to surprise a lot of people and be the best FPS game this year, although if it is none of the Halo fanboys will admit it. Yeah and Too Human does sound like its going to be bad.
welcome to next gen, welcome to ps3.
yes 4 player split online.
not really taht exciting tho, if u can get 4 of your friends to play u mtie as well stay at your respective houses
It's nice when none of your friends have PS3's though.
It better not be a game. MS could have said the same for halo. After all it's the best selling game on any console. What other game sold more than 4 million copies 4 months before it came out on Consoles. It' all hype for nothing. ps3 isn't worth it right now, no doubt about it. When it becomes good enough, it will also be cheapier, that's when I'll get it. For now, it's a waste of money..bluntiss
Why do you FPS-loving 360 fanboys insist on being in the PS3 forums. After all, it's probably a waste of time...
PS3 -Resistance: Fall Of Man
PS2 -Metal Gear Solid 3
PS1 -Metal Gear Solid
PSP -Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops
Xbox -Ninja Gaiden Black
Xbox 360 -Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
GC -Resident Evil 4
N64 -Super Smash Brothers
DC - Soul Caliber
I heard this whole 10-12 hours thing, but isn't there supposed to be an exploration element so it's possible there's more to do than the main story.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma is coming out in June and I've also heard Rainbow 6 Vegas is, but then again that was supposed to come out soon after launch, so I wouldn't be surprised to see it delayed again.
[QUOTE="Arsenal325"]i hate all those noobs who say killzone 2 will be a horrible game when they havent seen it..its gonna own..ijust know itHunAndras1984
And don't you just hate does noobs who hype the game when they havent even seen it???:D
Well, when you know their putting tons of time and money into it that may just be a reason to think it will be good.
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