Back at the begining, Shogun: Total War when it was new on the market. Been hooked and played every Total War game since :)
JeffreyCor's forum posts
yes it is, SHIVs are bugged bigtime. Can see just how much company you are in with that problem on the official forums.
If you're only interested in Online thenShogun 2is the one to choose. If you're interested in a good game then either will do very well.
If you can I'd recommend both, they have different styles of play and both very immersive and fun. I haven't played the full version of WiC yet, plan to get it today. I do have CoH though and still play it after completing the campaign more than once. CoH is more of a traditional RTS with a base building aspect as well as the combat, where WiC (as appears from the demo) is a different take with emphasis on combat tactics and strategic usage of resources rather than the building aspect.
Quite correct and things that most people just don't get. Pretty much nobody uses a PC for no other purpose then games. If they did they it would cost more. But as you stated for the adverage person they already have the base setup. The price to upgrade from a decent (not a pos) PC to a gaming one is between $350 and $500 as compaired from my own companies product line between gaming systems and a basic home system retail pricing, the higher being far supperior to the xbox 360.
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