M1014 is beast!!!
Jehrenfried's forum posts
im pre-ordering it today, i have benn wating to get this game for almost a year now, it is going to be freaking awesome!!!!
i have been waiting for this game for so long and it is gonna kick ass, im definitley pre ordering this along with assassins creed 2, i already preordered mw2, yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sooooo excited, my addiction to cod4 is coming to an end, I NEED A NEW FIX. I'll be counting down the days till Modern Warfare 2 is released... Everyone needs to get it pre-ordered, it's definately gunna be sold out on its release... I got mine from amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00267S2A0?ie=UTF8&tag=rssfeddownloa-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00267S2A0 Does anyone know about any new guns that are going to be on it? jonnyh431
i know there is going to be the AUG and the Famas, but that is all i know about new weapons.
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