@Mr_BillGates i guess you have never heard of gimp or of gimpshop a powerful free open source alternative that is just as good as photoshop and its FREE and will run on SteamOS
My biggest gripe with the review score is that she is letting her own personal morals affect how she views the game and the score that it deserves. She finds the content of the game offensive so she gives it a low score.... how is that fair? How could gamespot hire such an amateur reviewer. All we need is a bunch of whiny feminist gamers reviewing games.. Imagine that.
You dont get it man, once you acknowledge the trolls and the stupid things they say you are pretty much stooping to their level... you are validating their existence
@thorur_ @LittleSaintGoph You dont get it man, once you acknowledge the trolls and the stupid things they say you are pretty much stooping to their level... you are validating their existence
Jengo07's comments