I just got a slim silver PS2, my little bro has a fatty. (no pun intended LOL)
But ive noticed the smaller PS2 is A LOT faster. Not to mention the PS1 Driver version is 2.00 compared to the other wich is 1.10, why is this good? Better performance and texture rendering.
If i had the choice between a new fatty and a new slim i would still pick the slim, it just looks better, performs better and just feels more solid and better quality overall.
If you already have a PS2 fatty i dont think the 129 is worth the upgrade. But if i didnt then i would definitly get the slim vs fatty.
my xbox has plenty of life left in it, i just got a modded xbox 120gb hdd, i have a bunch of emulators and games on it, this black box is going to keep me happy for a very long time.
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