I thought the R3 campaign was awesome, It was so much fun to play through. I haven't had a chance to play the multiplayer yet though (super busy,I had to skip a class just to beat the campaign, shhh). They make a 4th, and I'll [most likely] buy it.
JengyMae's forum posts
I have the 80gb BC MGS bundle... It doesn't seem loud at all too me...
#@$% Hackers... Are they that sour about their lack of a social life, that they have to essentially "bully" everyone? A-holes... I can't stand people that get joy out of doing things just to be malicious
80gig phat, b/c MGS bundle
Thanks, in bed sick... just looking for something I can lay down and listen to. I'll definitely check out The Giant Bomb pod cast.
Shadow Hearts
I like G4's Feedback, and GameTrailers Bonus Round. Are there any other shows/pod casts similar to these that I'm missing out on? I enjoy a good intelligent (humor doesn't hurt) conversation about gaming (and/or movies).
ohhhhh If this would have happened (or happens) when UC3 comes out, I'd be one ticked off mamma jamma. I'm a little sour about not getting to jump online for some portal co-op tho... i've already beat all my single player games... so don't have much to do with my ps3 at the moment. And I'm stuck at home sick tonight, which would normally be a great time game, sigh...
F.E.A.R. - Any body else really enjoy F.E.A.R.'s story? (and atmosphere) one of my favorites. But it wasn't told Via cut scenes and you could easily miss components of the story by not finding all of the intel. once you did get it all figured out though I thinks it was pretty great.
Bioshock - 'nuff said
Uncharted 1 & 2 - I love Indiana Jones, so it's a natural fit for me. And I love the characters in these games.
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