Another day down and almost a hundred to go
by Jenova-Life on Comments
Well another day down in this long freaking life deployed. didnt do to much on the site today just kept up some of my old posts didnt really post on very much new things. well i was supposed to hang out with my buddy last night but i couldnt get him of that personna game. well i watched the first friday the 13th yesterday and it made me laugh at how bad the film was. you never actually see anyone get killed in it. though it was a good laugh. well it was just nice getting off an hour and a half earlier. wont get that luxury today. I put some more hours into Final Fantasy on the my psp i started to fall asleep though around 2 hours into it though. its old but its still hard to down. hopefully i can get to a new continent today. well not much else going on. c ya tomorrow