Jeram / Member

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Jeram Blog

My DS!

I love my Nintendo DS. I love the fact that there is an innovative little touch screen that is mostly used well in games. I love the fact that Nintendo has some really good sounding games coming out. Everything about it is at least decent. There isn't anything Horribly Wrong, like, it suddenly explodes or something. Right now i'm playing Meteos and Canvas Curse. Decent games in my opinion but the top screen is a waste in both.

Kingdom of Loathing

One of my favorite things to do online is to play The Kingdom of Loathing. This game is located at , and is a wonderful online RPG. Yes, you may have a limited amount of turns per day, but it gives you time to do something else with your life. Try it out. My Username(s) are Jeram and Zimnoid. Message me there and I'll give you something cool. I guess.