The Halo3 ending has already been spoiled:?. Is this a new record?
Yup, that's true, only one week left and the ending has already been revealed. I'm not going to give you the link (unless you really want it).
A review for this game is imminent. I don't care what score this game gets. I'm going to play it anyway:P.
But I've got few words of advice when the review is up. Don't let your emotions affect your actions, you may regret it later. This counts for anyone who can't take criticism.
JustPlainLucas made a perfect example what might happen and I quote:P:
"Halo 3 gets a 9.5 or 10
The forums will errupt with just about every Xbox fan losing their minds. They will get drunk and disorderly and act like complete fools. "OMG HALO IS THE BEST! 9.5/10!" They'll cheer and they'll gloat and they'll boast and they'll brag and they'll rub it in the face of anyone coming near. Old women will be battered as a result of overexcitement, and little children will run screaming for their mothers as Halo fans yell in their faces, "HALO PWNS YOU!" You know how sports fans act when their team wins a championship? That's how it'll be on the forums.
For the non-Halo fans. the accusations of bias will fly rampant. There will be a ****throwing contest that not even the most adept primate will be able to compete in. I thank God that I don't work for GameSpot and am given this assignment, because my blog will be overrun with hated comments such as "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GIVE METROID PRIME 3 AN 8.5 AND HALO 3 A 9.5/10! YOU'RE BIAS!" My PM box will somehow be hacked with a message bomb that will render my computer useless.
Halo 3 gets a 9.0 or lower
The forums will errupt with just about every Xbox fan losing their minds. They will get drunk and disorderly and act like complete fools.You thougth the backlash from BioShock was bad? You ain't seen nothin' yet. "OMG HALO 3 IS WORSE/ISNT BETTER THAN BIOSHOCK?" They'll piss and they'll moan and they'll whine and they'll pout and they'll cuss and swear in the face of anyone coming near. Old women will be battered as a result of blind rage, and little children will run screaming for their mothers as Halo fans yell in their faces, "**** FLOPSPOT!" You know how sports fans act when their team loses a championship? It'll be worse on the forums.
For the non-Halo fans. the accusations of bias will fly rampant. There will be a ****throwing contest that not even the most adept primate will be able to compete in. I thank God that I don't work for GameSpot and am given this assignment, because my blog will be overrun with hated comments such as "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GIVE HALO 3 A 9.0 OR LOWER! HOW IS HALO 3 NOT BETTER THAN PERFECT DARK ZERO?!"
My suggestion: If you have a calm personality, the patience of an angel and you don't mind running into Halo3 spoilers, feel free to roam the forums. Otherwise, tread carefully:(. Sigh....