According to reports, Microsoft E&D GM Daniel Schiappa has hinted that a PlayStation Home-like virtual world will be coming to Xbox 360 within the next year.
According to Team Xbox, the Entertainment and Devices(E&D) boss turned up on stage at the Virtual Worlds Conference And Expo in San Jose and stated: " next year, you'll probably know more about why I'm up here."
"I think they've definitely taken some concepts that we originated like achievements, but I think they're pushing in a different direction and we've sort of fundamentally got two different approaches going on here," he said.
"It's a cool world but it's like a little game by itself. Our approach is the other way around; it's that games are the center and that's the star of the show, that's what people buy the console for."
Yup, no copying here, it's all good >_>.