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Movies, Superbowl stories, new items... And a new level!!!

First things first.... Imagine the image in the previous post, but replace 8 with 9 and Sectoid with Blaster Master. I'm to lazy to "print screen" my profile, crop it, upload it to photobucket, etc...

Anyway, from earliest to latest...

Superbowl Sunday!!!

Woke up and went to the inaugural service for River Cross Baptist. After some disagreements I had with the new pastor of the church I went too, I chose to leave the church I got saved in and attended for the last 3 years. Luckily, most of the people from my old church that I knew well are going to River Cross as well, and I could care less about the building. It's the people who make up the church.

Have you ever seen those tire inflators that do it for you? You enter a number and it fills it to that PSI? Don't use those. It overfilled my tires, and when speeding down the road I lived on, the friction and heat from the sun killed a tire. I ended up getting 4 new tires. My dad and I bought the tires, but they forgot to take them off the shelves, so minutes later, we're standing there and this man starts flipping out. He saw some tires he wanted on the shelf, but when he went to buy them, they were all sold out. Go figure that they were mine... So he finds out that it was us, and he gives me the stink eye for the next four hours. Four hours in PepBoys waiting for tires...

So I leave Pepboys, and I'm coming down University Ave. This car next to me starts going haywire. A pick-up truck in front of him was carrying an expensive gas grill, and it bumped out and went spinning all over the road. Pieces were flying everywhere... I was afraid I'd lose my tires just after getting them.

Went to a friends house to watch the Superbowl, but they were being major tools. I was randomly going for Philly, and my roommate was going for the Pats. I'd appreciate good Pats plays (like that rushing play where a Pat went all Mike Alstott and carried three defenders about 10 yards), but he got all pissy when the Eagles did good. He doesn't even care about football, though. He abandoned the game around ten minutes in and starting talking and playing guitarl. So I left and watched it at my friends apartment.


I've watched so many movies in the past week, ones that I haven't seen before. The best of them was Se7en. It was just awesome. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it. Today, I watched three movies

  1. Memento - SEE THIS MOVIE!!! It's really good, especially if you like mind-bending thrillers.
  2. Shade - A poker movie with Jamie Foxx, Sly Stallone, Gabrial Byrne, and no clear protagonist/plot. Still interesting.
  3. Arlington Road - This movie pissed my roommates off. If you don't know why, watch it. I was fine with it.

New Stuff!!!!!

When my Complete membership went full on, the first thing I did was buy RE4 off EB games. It is such an awesome game. It's really hard, too. It makes me feel like less of a gamer. I struggle on certain parts, and I'm playing on Normal. At least I'm not using a guide...

Also, about 2 hours ago, I participated in and one my first competitive auction on E-Bay. I stole something right from under someone, too. It was awesome. Here's my prize... It's 4 ft by 6 ft. Alright, y'all, until next time!!!

New level and other random, bulleted updates...

I saw some other people doing this, so I thought, what the heck, I'll be vain and unoriginal too.

Minor updated...

  • My brother is still doin fine. I haven't heard when the stitches come out.
  • I'm about to get fired from work for not cutting my hair. I refuse to give in (fight the power!), even though my one of my roommates who I work with has already given in.
  • I downloaded about 60 new fonts from . Some of the better ones were all kinds of 24 fonts I can use for my UCB and other random, probably copyrighted ones like Disney and Pizza Hut. I'll have some fun with those.
  • My other roommate stole my toothpaste. Not really anything important, but my breath is starting to smell...

Alright, until next time something interesting happens...

Hospital results, seatbelts,... and a new banner!

Wow... My brother got back from the hospital last night. He's doing decent...

The truck is totalled. It looks like it got hit by a train. It was one of the early 80's tank-ish F-150's. There was a cave-in in the front - a u-shape that reached to the cab, totally decimating the engine. The only glass damaged was in the front passenger side where my brother smashed his head through the windshield. I got to see it up close - there was still some of his hair lodged in the glass. He wasn't wearing his seatbelt, and the patrols said that if they were driving anything else other that and 80's F-150 (or something else tank-like) he would have been dead. No ifs, ands or buts, either. Straight dead.

He's doing ok, though. I got him a smoothie (apparently it hurts to chew) and rented him a movie. When I got there, he wasn't home though. He went to his GED class to explain his future absences and to show the horrors of not wearing a seat belt. This is a lesson to all of you, too. My dad was nice enough to take pics from the hospital...

For those who read these (there's like 3 of you- thanks, by the way), STRONG PARENTAL DISCRETION. THESE ARE SOME FAIRLY GRITTY PICS! LOOK AT YOUR OWN RISK! Ok, they're not that bad, but still. Squeamish be warned...

Also, I was tooling around with PaintShopPro effects, found one that looks cool with that gradient, slapped a boarder and pic of my favorite actor on, and voila, my new journal banner. Well, that's all for now. Adios.

*Edit* I got the pics of the truck. I'll put em here, since they're not that graphic.

The trials and tribulations of my brother.

To start, I just want to say, I love my brother to death. I'd die for him, as much as he annoys me sometimes. That said...

My brother is 21 years old, though mentally, he is about 14. I have no idea what's wrong with him. All I can get my mom to say is "He's special" or "You know...".

He never graduated high school. I am an ardent Bush supporter, but I strongly dislike his brother Jeb. He has screwed up our education system to the max. My brother graduated with a "special diploma", which is Florida Education System for "papers showing you wasted 4 years of your life". He could have stayed an extra year to get his regular diploma, but we were assured that his diploma was just as valid as a normal diploma. He aspired to go to fire college. He can do nothing with this. Now he's trying for his GED, but can't grasp it.

He gave up on school and started hanging out with some serious low-lifes. This one guy named Chris came up to me and my friends at a Perkins restaurant and injected himself into our conversation. He smelled awful. Then, the next day, he comes into my house with my brother and starts eating my food. I was freaked out.

Anyway, he effectively stole about $2000 from my brother by tricking him into paying for things. We banned him from seeing him (with police assistance). Out of all his "friends", the only one who seemed to be true was a guy named Derek. Derek actually fought for Matt a couple of times.

Anyway, I was doing some work for my board [/blatant plug] when my mom called. She said Matt got into a horrible car accident. He was driving down a dirt road in the stix, lost control, and hit a tree head on at about 45 mph. Apparently, though, he wasn't driving. Derek was. He doesn't have a license. This pissed me off to no end. When my mom arrived at the scene, Matt was in an ambulance and Derek was in a squad car. Derek elected to go with police rather than going in the ambulance. I hope that he was feeling too much guilt to be near him. I hope he's hurting inside, for what he did.

Anyway, injury report, Derek had a bruised knee. Matt had a broken thumb (the only thing broken, thank God). Unfortunately, he went through the windshield. His face apparently is mangled. He got stitched, but my mom will never be able to afford plastic surgery, so he will have very noticeable scars his whole life. I have no idea why he let Derek drive, but when I find out, I'll report it. I'm visiting him tomorrow. I'm gonna bring a smoothie, because he apparently can't eat solid food for a while.

This was a long, pictureless post, so thanks to you if you read this all the way through.

Updates are few and far between... And a new board!

I really blow at this journal thing. A couple of new things...

Clayton King is the greatest (real) guy ever (fictional guy goes to Jack Bauer). I've saw him speak a new message and just be his rediculous self for the past week. It's gonna suck after he leaves. Look him up for more info.

Lost is a great show. It just replaced Smallville as perennial 2nd place (1st goes to 24- more on that later). I still like Smallville, though, so don't get discouraged, you members of The Daily Planet Board.

It turns out that my Science class is friggin remedial... I got a 95 or something percentile on SAT's /ACT's, got a 4.0 (even if after 1 semester), and got scholarship money that's going straight to my pocket. Now, I am one of the more humble people you'd meet (you can tell, right?), I'm only telling you this to set up for how much I don't belong in this class. The first week we learned how to covert cm to mm (this is college level, y'all). It's all good, though, it matches my lazy persona.

Also, I created a new board (and joined Complete, obviously). It's dedicated to the greatest show EVAR: 24. Check it out!

Jack Bauer Power Hour Club - GameSpot Edition

Aight, y'all, until next time (probably a month or so)... Adios.

Merry Christmas and haunted asylums.

Hey, everybody!! Merry Christmas!! This year wasn't a "big pull" year, but the few gifts were extremely good. I got a new chair for my desk (my current has no arms/broken back), a mini-fridge, and a guitar/amp (Dean, specifically. It's not a Gibson, but it has what I needed, a whammy bar and 22 frets). Tomorrow, I'm headed up to Tallahassee.

Which is where my the haunted asylum comes in. Sunland, aka Tacachallee, aka Sunnyland Mental Instution, is an abandoned children's mental intituion which was shut down after rumors of death/ mistreatment/ beatings. Now it's supposedly haunted. My friend's brother has been there many times, and contributed a lot to the "official" Sunland site (, which is unfortunately down. Another site is Not as quality, but it'll do.) I hope to get some good pics.

Anyway, have a merry Christmas, and wish me luck with my journey.

The greatest actor in the world.

This is an article from the greatest actor in the world, Christopher Walken...

The key is, when you read it, you've got to use his voice. Otherwise, it's just childish rambling.