Hey, everybody!! Merry Christmas!! This year wasn't a "big pull" year, but the few gifts were extremely good. I got a new chair for my desk (my current has no arms/broken back), a mini-fridge, and a guitar/amp (Dean, specifically. It's not a Gibson, but it has what I needed, a whammy bar and 22 frets). Tomorrow, I'm headed up to Tallahassee.
Which is where my the haunted asylum comes in. Sunland, aka Tacachallee, aka Sunnyland Mental Instution, is an abandoned children's mental intituion which was shut down after rumors of death/ mistreatment/ beatings. Now it's supposedly haunted. My friend's brother has been there many times, and contributed a lot to the "official" Sunland site (www.sunlandinfo.com, which is unfortunately down. Another site is http://www.geocities.com/ooosunburnooo/sunland.html. Not as quality, but it'll do.) I hope to get some good pics.
Anyway, have a merry Christmas, and wish me luck with my journey.