Gamespot should also know that Burnout Paradise is the only one out of all these games used the PS3 as the lead platform then it was ported to the Xbox 360 but they fail to mention that
10 minutes to install for GTA4?? its more like 5 minutes but since I have both, the 360 version does have some sharper textures on the characters faces while it does look a bit blury on the PS3 version but in the end I perfer the classic Controls on the dualshock 3 which feels more natural for me to play for hours since the 360 controller feels ackward when you press the A buttons to run, while the X button on the PS3 feels more natural
Hopefully it can run at 333mhz because playing Vice city stories with so much slow down kills the fun out of that game so maybe I'll trade in my old PSP and get this one but still they should of change the shape or have a longer "anolog stick" because Playing Tekken Dark Ressurection can hurt after a few hours of gameplay so far i have bruises on my knuckles from playing to long but then agian i had to kill time that day so tekken dr was my best solution for killin 8 hours, of boredem now if only i can hook up my PS3 controller to it for just that one game for my hand wont look like its been a through a bar fight and thanks to all the swelling for just playin Tekken DR for 8 hours straight lol.
I just wish the original creator of crackdown still stayed in Rockstar to make part 4 but anyways I did love all the voices and to me had the best story, I just didnt like the cartoony graphix and the slow frame rates though but with the funny squishing noises after running over people was the best highlight in the game. The radio station was top notch for having fake bands with funny lyrics.
Jerrythefunguy's comments