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Jetfire2000 Blog

Cough cough

Ugh I've been sick since Sunday night and I still don't feel good. I think it may be the flu (not swine). So far I've missed two days of school. I hope I get better soon because I don't want to get behind on my work and miss another day. I'll see whattomorrow brings.

Happy B-Day to me!

Yay today's my b-day! I still went to school today but I didn't mind it. And now I am blogging from my new laptop! I've wanted my own for a year or two now because I've wanted something that would play my PC games good and now I've got it. I'm thankful that I got it and I'm very happy. Tttyl!

Back from my first day

I went to school today thinking that I'd be furious when I left. As the day progressed I noticed that all of my teachers weren't so bad (Excluding my gym teacher who I know will drive me insane). At the end of French I was in a pretty good mood unlike last year when I would come home everyday in a terrible mood. I don't know if this is just a facade to cover up the true colors of who they really are or what, but I'll find out as the week moves on. Keep ya updated. Later.

Torture, Part 2 of 4 haha

In a couple more days I have to go back to school. This is my Sophomore year too. I'm kinda glad that I've only got a little longer before I'm done. This year I start Drivers Ed. and next year I'll be driving. I'm hoping I can get a job inthe late part of next year also.My B-Day is coming up on the 27th which lands right on a school day which sucks. Positive things will happen too. I get to see my friends again, the school is currently being renovated and it looks really good inside (and we'll finally have air conditioning!!). That about covers it.

Better and better

I'm real happy to see that DAH POTF is finally going to be finished and no more delays hopefully. I am also pleased to see some more new pictures of the product as well. I would like to see more videos of gameplay throughout the duration of time between now and December 1st when the finished product is projected to hit stores. All to do now is wait for the month and a half to go by. Thanks to Sandblast, for a great franchise. See you later.


Gustave, 12th bureau leader and dictator of the PlutoArctican Empire

Pushed back, once again

Beings that DAH Potf got pushed back again, I have decided to go postal, once again. I CANNOT TAKE IT ANY LONGER FINAL RELEASE DATE PLEASE I'M SICK OF BEING LIED TO KEEP PUSHING IT BACK I'VE HAD IT!!!:cry:

..........o...k ....sry


Nothingness and hatred are supreme. -Gustave, 12th bureau leader: PlutoArctican Empire

Can't wait til Dah! Potf releases

I am still waiting for POTF to come out. I know it'll be the best and I'm really looking forward to playing it. It is really one of my main concerns these days besides spore and sims 3 lol.


Nothingness and hatred are supreme. Behold, the PlutoArctican Empire.

Gustave, 12th bureau leader