Oblivion and Morrowind are both better games imo. (don't get me wrong, I had a 428 hour love affair with Skyrim) Not only are they "like" ES games, they actually happen to BE ES games. If you've already played them, then Kingdoms is definitely worth a go.
Jettero-Heller's forum posts
OWS. This guy has been streaming live for the last 14 hours. Just scroll down to the square that says "Live Video". It's a little choppy and freezes at times but the asudio is good. No one else is reporting this it seems.
It's not even a pinnacle of LAST gen. Unless, of course it's the only shooter/series you've ever played, then uh sure. Yeah whatever floats you.
By the time the next gen consoles hit the market I will have enough $$ for a beefy gaming PC. This, unfortunately will be my last console generation. The direction this gen has taken has been extremely disappointing for me, and from what I am seeing next gen will be even worse. No thanks consoles. It's been fun since 1995 but now it's time to move on.
It depends. If the game natively supports KBM then it's up to you to get one & stay competetive. Tampering with a games design in order to support non native peripherals is hacking & thus = cheating.
When you use the words "linear" and "single player" in the same sentence you are essentially, (IMO) describing some of the BEST games ever created.
To answer your question, those are pretty much the only games I have ever purchased. I don't really care between linear or open world. I love Elder Scrolls as much as Drake ot Tomb Raider. I WILL however go out of my way to avoid games with forced MP or co-op at the expense of the single player experience, unless I can verify that the SP is worth my while. This is why I enjoyed Uncharted 2 & Bioshock 2. Although they HAD MP that I wasn't interested in, the single player experience didn't seem to suffer as a result. Contrast this with the formerly good CoD series, which IMO ruined the SP game in order to force implement an online component which is, for the most part not really that much fun.
Next gen seems to heading even further down the online MP vein. This is why I'm glad I have a decent PC and have discovered Good Old Games & the like. I don't care how old a game is. If it's a good game I will play it. I'm having a blast with Fallout 1 and plan to buy the sequel. With the current talk regarding next gen I somehow doubt I will be investing in PS4. Just my cheap-jack opinion.
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